This is something I recently discovered and I don’t really understand it but it might help someone so …
I have an X Box hooked up to a Vizio 43MQ6 (model may not be exact) and its hooked up to HDMI1 with the cable that came with the X Box. I was running at 4k 60Hz (TV wont do 4k 120) and I had the X Box set RGB mode.
I was always fighting with the colors and I figured it was the TV because its not expensive.
A few months ago I wondered if I could improve the performance of the new sim by shifting down to a lower resolution and so I selected 1080p on the X Box and suddenly my colors changed. This made (and makes) no sense to me. I also found that running my TV on ‘Limited RGB’ gave a really great looking image.
Now, the other oddity… screenshots taken on that X Box look fine on my old TV but did not look fine on my PC which is attached to the same TV on HDMI3. The TV was set to RGB Full because I thought thats how it should be being attached to a PC but I just tried setting the TV to RGB Limited and now the images taken on the X Box look great here too.
Color management is very confusing to me. But if you have an X Box attached to a TV, I dont know why running 1080p would change anything but you might at least take a look if you are having color issues – and also try setting the TV to ‘limited’ or just turn off “4:4:4”. Looks great to me on my system. YMMV.