Anti Aliasing issues?

I recently noticed that on Ultra, things that are at a far distance seem pixely/jagged (possible AA issues?) I have an RTX 3070 and maybe 2-3 weeks ago the game looked great. After a certain recent update it seems to visually have been effected. I did change the Sharpness and FIlm Grain to 0 in the Userconfig so I feel like it should look better…

It just seems way too pixely for the settings/hardware I have.



Are you getting 30 FPS with that video card ? :fearful:

Anyway i have that feeling too sometimes but to me is less noticeable as i’m running the sim in 1440P


I also have RTX3070 and complain about the AA issue for far distance objects/visuals.

Don’t know how to solve but I believe it started to appear like this after the first couple of updates. It was better with initial release I think.

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Yeah I am haha! Its usually pretty smooth but with my settings as high as they are it still hits around 30 fps

Ah okay I see! Yeah I feel like this effects 1920 x 1080p users more but man that stinks… I wish there was a way to fix it.

Its definitely affects 1080p the most. Having own both a 1080p and 1440p 1080p suffers more with aliasing.The game is literally visually stunning on 1440p and my card is a lot less powerful than yours and I still happen to get decent performance.

Yeah… Dang I think the update before World Update 2 is what efffected it for me. When I first got the card a few weeks back the game looked amazing. It still looks really really good but obviously at far distances it takes away from the immersion a bit. Wonder if there’s a setting I can change anywhere to help…

Maybe try increasing the super sampling.Is your AF set to 16x.Not much you can do there.Rendering scale may sharpen things out.Your GPU should cope.

Yeah my is AF set to 16x. Render Scale is about 190 currently.

I messed with my Nvidia settings (2080ti) (at work now can’t screen shot them) and changed all the settings related to AA to render best possible visuals. My sim still flies very smooth and now the harsh edges are smoother…try checking those out.


Did you edit the settings in the NVIDIA control panel for global settings? Or just for the sim/program?

Specific for FS.

Got it! Whenever you can deff send over the screenshot of what you put for settings :))

Will do. Specifically, I was doing touch and gos at Incheon 33L and noticed shimmering terminal buildings in the distance. Also generally over sharp graphics, that’s when I started messing with Nvidia. I noticed a difference.

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Interesting that some think it’s gotten worse because as a 1440p user (RTX 2080 Ti) I finally feel like the game is looking better than the previous past 3 updates… at least my photogrammetry seems to be drawing out at longer/higher distances than previously which was a huge buzz kill for me (seeing the triangles as buildings).

I still think they can improve on AA especially on higher end rigs

Send em over whenever!

What did you do to help with photogrammetry? Same set up as you and New York looks awful! All melted builds etc.

I will try to get the settings tonight. Work getting in the way!

Understoood! Thanks for helping out :slight_smile:

I didn’t do anything – it’s by no means fixed, sadly – still seeing it too, just not as often as I used to. NYC is a mess…