Good performance on desktop, hdmi TV and projector with 1,2 or 3 displays active. Can launch all other VR apps as intended thru steam, wmr or shortcut. The only issue I’ve discovered is with mfs not loading into vr, sometimes crashes, sometimes get the split screen with grids appear on desktop, once or twice split screen with vr view showed on desktop. Each with nothing in G2, just solid dark screen with audio. Tried launching many different setup, like from setting, on runway, flying, different planes and locations. Win Y and crtl tab to exit vr always crashes mfs after activating vr if not already crashed. Same thru wmr, steam or shortcut launch, with and without wmr and/or steamVR already running. All options set to quality setting at or near lowest, data on and traffic off.
Asus ProDuo i9-9980
RTX 2060 and uhd 630, tried latest product drivers and asus display adapters. currently on asus 462.31
Have noticed multiple microsoft drivers dated 6/21/2006 in device man, unable to update them.
400+GB free on c:/ ssd and 138GB free on external ssd, both 1TB
Same results after win 10 reset and mfs only reinstalled with wmr then steam.
Have only one display active and all other programs closed when trying.
All mfs, wmr, steam and any other .exe I found related to vr or mfs is added and set to high performance rtx in craphics settings.
System runs mfs and other graphics hungry games smoothly on high to ultra setting on desktop and Med to high in vr depending on game.
Disabling uhd in device man only resulted in G2 not being recognized by laptop.
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