Hey there,
one of the things that bother me mostly about learning to fly (cessna 152) in the simulator, is that mistakes (too steep turns, too fast runway approach, too fast descent etc) don’t ever seem to lead to losing control of the aircraft (apart from crashing into something).
do you know of any workarounds for that? for example, monitoring the g-force and acceleration - and raise an ‘alarm’/‘notification’ when it reaches unsafe/unhealthy limits?
(i am already using a realism mod version of the cessna152)
When you overstress the airframe, you crash, with exact this reason of overstressing. The Cessna 152 has quite a strong airframe. It takes alot of abuse. The stall warning is the “alarm” you reaching the limits of flying.
The default aircraft are waaaay too forgiving. There can be some damage sometimes but I can hit a runway at a speed that would kill me in real life and dive and then pull up at speeds that would definitely rip the wings and/or tail off so for me damage modelling is almost non-existent for the default planes.
Basically if you hit the ground using use the landing gear it is near impossible to hit the ground hard enough to do damage. I’m not sure if all the default aircraft are the same, I’ve only flown 3 of them.
Unfortunately I am getting the feeling that Asobo may have done that on purpose. I’m not sure whether they think of MSFS as a game or a simulator. It is certainly a mix of both. They could give us settings to allow simmers to have a more realistic experience but so far they haven’t. It can be hard to know what is a bug and what might be intentional though.
The good thing though is that if they ever get the SDK in good shape then payware aircraft makers can give us something we would be truly happy to fly. Especially if they give us real weather instead of making sevear storms look like a mildly windy day. Even fantastic aircraft without real storms will detract a lot from the game. It removes pretty much the core thing that pilots have to worry about.
Unsurprisingly, the Carenado 182 does a better job of implementing some stresses but on the whole it is still light years away from planes like the payware TBM in X-Plane. That kind of realism isn’t Carenado’s market so I don’t fault them for that. It just means more waiting though before we can see MSFS really shine.
So far I’ve gotten crashes for overstress, overspeed, hitting a mountain in the dark, damaging my landing gear on landing, and landing in heavy crosswind rolled the plane and crashed, taking off in heavy crosswind and drove off the runway and flipped the plane, and taking off overweight and hit a tree. Landed and couldn’t stop fast enough and drove into a river crash…
I agree with this. All X-plane’s Aircraft have limit on every surface. For Example you can’t extend flaps out of white arc speed as real. Without fail systems, Flight Simulator can’t be used to simulate real flights.
you can extend the flaps whenever you want on most aircraft IRL, white arc be damned. you will overspeed the flaps and you will over speed the gear if you extend above their limits but you can do it. Only some aircraft have the protections to prevent this.
you wanna dump full flaps at 300 knots in a 737? fill your boots but you are gonna be paying the maintenance guys a lot of overtime