Any events for people flying the Bell 47G?

Since the Flyinside Bell 47G was released I’ve mostly used it - along with JF’s Arrow - but I find it hard to find events where people fly the Bell 47 in group. As the heli is ideal to explore the world of MSFS, is there any group of people organizing events or at least flying from a location on a regular basis?

I see some Bell 47G flying around, but it would be great to have a meeting place, maybe, where those who are more familiar with the heli could help newcomers. I am sure anyone trying the heli will be hooked, especially in VR.

I’m intrested in picking up the bell, especially for VR, my only concern is how well it will work with my tca stick and throttle,

I tried the h135 and couldn’t get it to work with my flight gear

It should work fine. It uses the throttle axis for the collective.

The Bell in VF is…fabulous, and much easier to fly than on a flat screen. I use the Thrustmaster throttle and T1600 with VKB T-Rudder MKIV and it works fine… as it does in X-Plane or DCS. Give it a try, you’ll be amazed. Once you master - well, sorts of, she is a tricky beast - the Bell 47 it is lots of fun, a bit like the Huey in DCS. It’s all hands on deck. I just guess it would be even more fun with a group of people flying together and helping each other out.

The VFO server on Discord has a healthy group of multiplayer folks. LOTS of flights with the Bell 47!

Joim us:

Rotor Rick

I find it’s hard to fly Bell 47 for more than 15 mins because you have to apply constant pressure on the joystick and your wrist will get tired.

I ordert pedals

This will obviously be joystick dependent, but i have a normal sprung joystick. I was having the same issue to begin with. Then i set up a profile as described in the documentation (completely linear, no deadzones etc) and put the Cyclic sensitivity to 100 in the Heli Manager. Now i hardly have to move the joystick… tiny micro movements are all that’s needed with virtually no pressure at all. I can fly it until i run out of fuel now! I was all over the place to begin with but a couple of hours practice and i’m more in control than I’ve ever been.

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