Any interest in the humble ol Beechjet 400A/Hawker ? Freeware project?

Hey there,
fellow simmers/developers
Would there be any interest in the humble ol Beechjet 400A/Hawker ? Freeware project?
It seems locked aircraft models are hinderance to modding/addon developers,
Would you guys be intrested in working on a project like this?

I posted this first on Avsim, but it really did not gather a lot interest, so I am trying my Luck here, I am proposing that I purchase 3D aircraft model, and then I GIFT that to the community to work on! I am a CAD-designer myself so I lack the skills(and dependant on the community), but I hope I will be able help at least somewhere…
Btw the version I have in mind is the Hybrid avionics Glasscockpit Proline4 and stemgauge Kingair-engine stack :slight_smile:

Please tell if you would be intersted or not and reasons why,

This should remain a FREEWARE- project though
(because thats what the 3D modell Authors LICENCE STATES…)
and NO upload to filesites of the sourcefiles, but otherwise he gave the blessing to upload as a free MSFS aircraft and no problem changing the 3D modell
when finished :slight_smile:

Thanks for thoughts?
Yes / No , or reasons why not

Kind regsrds