Any plans to make the xbox version playable?

I downloaded the game months ago on my Xbox Series X. The game was unplayable due to the controller not working in the menus. I heard that there is supposed to be a cursor for you to move around for you to select stuff. I heard you press the left or right stick in and then the cursor pops up. Well it never did. I managed to get the LB and RB buttons to work but that only gets you so far in the menu of the game. The settings were set for the default xbox controller so it should have worked flawlessly but I couldn’t even play the game. I deleted it and redownloaded the game. The issue was still there. I deleted the game.

A few days ago I redownloded it to see if they fixed it. Same ■■■■. How in the world could a multibillion dollar company make a multimillion dollar game and not have it work on their new console with their most expensive controller? It makes zero sense.

I’d love for someone to tell me how to get the cursor to pop up. As it is now, it is unplayable and a huge disappointment.

I can make a video if anyone wants to see my frustration.

Xbox Series X
Xbox Eite controller Series 2

It does work with the Xbox controller as I fly often using just that.
First thing to do is make sure you are setup in the controller settings and using the default controller setup. I use the regular controller and not the elite but they should work the same except maybe more options on the Dpad.

The right stick is for looking around. Pressing the left stick in will bring up the top menu. Sometimes (for whatever reason) the dot will not come up, just press in the left stick twice and it will be back for you.

One tip I use. Hold LB you can navigate closer to the controls to view them easier. Use the left stick to move around LT to move down in height and RT to move up in height. You can also hold LB and use the Dpad to zoom in but I prefer the first option as I can move more to my like.

Another tip, you can use an Xbox chat pad as a keyboard and set key binds to it.

Currently my setup is Hotas one joystick, Xbox controller and chat pad. It gives me lots of options.

Hopefully this helps

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