Anybody been using MSFS since the beginning aka1980s.?

I started using FS on my TRS-80 Color Computer


Iā€™ve been flight simming since the 90ā€™s Iā€™m not sure which was my very first version, but i was a bit of a computer nerd, lol, would buy pc magazine with code to type in for days on end, saving to a tape casette before floppy disks and then executing the file, and voila, maybe after 3 days of typing, i had actually typed in the code for a simple tennis style game lol I had Texas Instruments Ti994A - vic 20 - commodore 64, amiga 500 ā€¦ eventually 80286, 386, 486, pentium ā€¦ then a 14 year iMac break (problem free computing but no flight sim) ā€¦ and now i9-10900K
Think I started with Flight sim 98, it was the entry level graphics i needed, anything earlier i just couldnā€™t get into ā€¦ what i have today, i would have found unbelievable back then ā€¦ so iā€™m enjoying the fast computer rtx3080 fast internet and wide screen ā€¦ graphics have come a long way


As far as I can recall, my first flight sim was F15 on my C64, followed by a couple more on the Amiga.

When I switched to PCs in was ā€œBruce Artwickā€™s Flight Simulatorā€, & then every release of MS Flight Sims since. Plus a dabble with many others, whose names I canā€™t even recall now. Currently using P3D 5.1 mostly; MSFS when I just want to look at the scenery; & DCS when I want to blow things up!!


My favorite commodore 64 games were winter and summer olympics, and Aztec challenge :slight_smile:


My dad got FS4 and I would of been 8 when it came out. I think it came with charts and maps back then and I can remember we wore through some of them with pencils. Taking off from Miegs and seeing Chicago was awesome. This was the first thing that really got me hooked onto computers and how they worked. I can remember getting into trouble because I was messing around with DOS commands after flying once and discovered what format does. Oops.

I can also remember going into Babbageā€™s and seeing all the add ons and I got a scenery add on and made a few things with it. Good times!


I started with the Sublogic disks. I canā€™t remember what computer I was using for it, but it might have been the Apple II.

Fighter pilot on the commodore 64 was my obsession in the mid 80ā€™s. Landing was so ā– ā– ā– ā–  hard.


Had FS1 for my homebrew 8088 and all the rest as soon as they came out! Flight sims, and specifically MSFS has driven my hardware upgrades from the beginning. Except for the new 3080 Geforce card, Iā€™m pretty much maxxed out until processors do something better.
I have ALWAYS dreamed of MSFS 2020 quality, but am astonished that weā€™re here now seeing this.
Iā€™ve been a P3D guy since version one, and DCS since the old days. Iā€™m now a DCS Hornet driver using an Oculus Rift S, and CANā€™T wait till we get it here for MSFS! As always my next hardware upgrade will depend on getting those frames I need out of MSFS and DCS with the best quality I can using VR.
Frankly, Iā€™d quit flying DCS if I wasnā€™t using VR - itā€™s so immersive. If we get this kind of quality for MSFS Iā€™m going to just be in Sim Heaven! :slight_smile:

You know thereā€™s a great Meigs Field for MSFS?

Wow, so many memories in this thread!
For me it was FS2, FS3, FS4, FS5, FS98, FS2000, FS2004, FS-Xā€¦
Plus ATP, F-19, F-117, AH-64, Falcon 3, Falcon 4, F-18, Precision Sim 744 (aeroWinx), Flight Unlimited, Fly!

Stopped simming about 7-8 years ago due to other commitments and lack of time, but really enjoying MSFS now.

Did get my PPL in the mid-90s too, and have been fortunate to fly a few Level D sims - A320, B777, Falcon 50 (Level C if I recall) . (Now thereā€™s an experience if you ever get the chance!)


Was that the monitor ? To a flight sim an ST and Amiga would be the same machine pretty much, the Amigas graphics wouldnā€™t help ?

My first flight simulator was ā€œAviatorā€, which ran on an Olivetti Prodest PC128S. It was the 80ā€™s and I was just a kid. The simulator was on a 1.44 mb floppy disk. It was black and white. There was a bridge and it was a challenge to fly under it. The sound was little more than a continuous ā€œbeep beepā€. I only flew with the keyboard and was never able to land safely.

That simple software gave birth to a passion for flying and a dream of one day becoming a pilot.

Today I am 46 years old, I flew with FS1998 (the helicopters!), FS2000 (the Concorde!), FS2004 (I tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 33 hours aboard the ā€œSpirit of St. Louisā€!), FSX , P3D, X-Plane 11 and now the wonderful FS2020.

In real life I was a paraglider and paramotor pilot, but I never stopped dreaming of someday becoming an airplane pilotā€¦

ā€œOnce you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.ā€ (Leonardo da Vinci)


Iā€™ve been reading my old diaries. I played Solo Flight a lot (was that on the Atari 800?). And Fighter Pilot (maybe on a Commodore 64). And I got MSFS at version 2 I think. I also played Mail Pilot. Mountains were just white triangles on a black background. If you had given me MSFS 2020 then, I donā€™t think Iā€™d have gone to bed for a year. I had to spend Ā£3,500 to get this running smooth though with everything set to ultra.

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Sublogic Flight Simulator 2.0 for the Amiga in the 1980s. Then FS98, FS2000, FS2002, Private pilotā€™s license 2003, FS2004, FSX, XPlane 9, MS Flight (beta tester), XPlane 11.

Glad to see MSFS back again.


Looking back at all those flight simulators from the past 38 years (ā€¦) I really admire the magical work the devs of MSFS have achieved now in 2020ā€¦
Look where we are now, isnt it a wonderful thing being able to fly the world in such high detail? We can argue about the cons and pros but to me its simply incredible what al those years have brought us todayā€¦


Absolutely! That was the first mood that I added in MSFS. I actually flew into Meigs IRL and have recreated that flight already. The person that created that mod is amazing and has made a lot of people happy.


Yes. It was the work computer from my palā€™s dad. Company only gave him a monochrome :slight_smile:

When I was a kid, my father had an Apple IIc for ski racing timing and ranking, it came with a nice boxed Sublogic Flight Simulator II. The simulator had a very nice notice, a real book. I remember reading the book with the explanation on how to fly the Piper Cherokee Archer, I was so excited and I remember enjoying my ā€œflightsā€ with keyboard inputs, monochrome screen, the Meigs scenery was so empty, and I liked it !
I canā€™t describe you the joy I had two weeks ago when I installed the Meigs mod, flying there with live weather and cached PGā€¦


This is why I think our younger generation can be prone to expecting the best, and right away lol ā€¦ Its cool that we get to appreciate the change and development of software and hardware over time ā€¦ the graphics in this new sim is what I would have dreamed about quite literally when i first started flight sim !

Late 80s for me.
Non-Stop crash landings with Keyboard! :crazy_face: got motivated by 2004 CoF to get a PPL