Anyone got the update in the MS Store in Australia

Nothing being offered so far in Australia?

Is this the update that we are waitng for?

No idea because I have nothing… it looks a bit small…

I am in Singapore, i guess we will be the last few countries to get the updates. I feel for the guys in NZ

The new version shows this release tag (left upper corner)


Im in Australia just down from you :upside_down_face:

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I’ve deinstalled and forced a new installation - in game update shows now 128GiB … don’t know if this was a wise decision

May god bless you.

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ok. Will fly my A320 over to your place tomorrow. :slight_smile:

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I don’t think this is a regional problem. I know for a fact that plenty of people in the UK are downloading the patch right now, yet I’m getting no update at all on my end. Nothing in the XBox app, nothing in the MS Store app, nothing in the sim itself.

So… yeah. :thinking:


I wonder if we delete the app and reinstall we will get the new version?

This is exactly what I had to do in the end. Took all night and then some to download due to the massive server load, but got there in the end.

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