I’m running a i7-8700K clocked to 5GHz with an Asus strix GTX 1080Ti OC, and notice that at many times my GFX card is not that busy running this sim at 1920x1200 rez.
So I’m wondering if this GFX card is up to running the higher rez at decent FPS if I get a new monitor without need to imediately upgrade my GFX card to a 3000 series?
I run a 1080Ti (no overclocking) at 3440x1440 (native res) with I9-7980xe (running intel turbo boost at 4.4) and run most options at Ultra or high, and have a smooth operation (no stutters, etc). I’m sure if I spent more time in the “big cities”, I might see some lagging, but I don’t go into most of them too often. I don’t run Dev console, so I can’t tell you the FPS, but as long as it runs without stutters, and is fluid, I’m happy with whatever I’m getting.
Hi ! I am running an i7 9700KF @4,9Ghz on all 8 cores , 32Gb of DDR4 3200 and GTX 1080Ti and first ran around 60Hz locked on a 1080P monitor. I recently installed a Dell 1440x2560 monitor (60Hz) and was also curious about how it would respond. I find lows down as far as 28 but its rare. I more or less see over 40FPS even in downtown Chicago flying lowlevel in the canals close to the shore with the modified upgrade freeware scenery. I think it could also be caused by the frequently updated Nvidia driver 460.89 which seems to run well and I use a custom graphics setup I havent really tweaked, lots of “Ultra” and some high and a few medium settings. I am very happy with how 1440p works for me
Sounds like good news. I expected it night be fine as I have been testing the Render Scaling setting in the sim and I can set it quite high without any problems.
Running a 1080Ti with a i7-7700k (o’cd to 4.8), with 32mb DDR3000, and getting very acceptable framerates on a 2560 x 1440 screen. Most settings on Ultra/High. I am mostly GA. Outside the cities, fps are usually 55+. That drops down to about 35-40 in the A320 at a gate at Heathrow.
i have a 1060 6gb with 17-7700 ,32 gb ram ddr 2400 on 2560x1440 ,and getting 40 fps on medium 35 fps at cities ,that’s my sweet spot for this older system.