Anyone using Oculus Tray Tool in MSFS?

I have used this in the past with DCS etc but cannot access the MSFS2020.EXE in tray tool. It says ACCESS DENIED when I select the.exe. So, Windows is not giving .exe access to OTT! Any ideas?


I tried and had the same issue. I was unable to solve it but I believe I could find a workaround:

  1. Create a profile for some other game, it doesn’t matter which one
  2. Edit the profile and manually put the full path to the MSFS exe file into the EXE Path field
  3. PROFIT!!!

P.S. It didn’t help me though, I still have awful performance on my 1060(


Awesome thanks for the tip.

Did you find a how to on best settings to use in the occukus tray app?

I STILL cannot get OTT to allow access to FLIGHTSIM.EXE. Any ideas?

Somehow I managed to achieve an appropriate performance without the OTT.

This link probably helped me a bit: How To Nail the Best Flight Simulator 2020 VR Experience Thud's VR4DCS

But that’s not for sure, as I’m not sure what exactly I had done to achieve the performance :slight_smile:
Apart from changing the runtime (as explained in the article above) I also played with the Oculus Debug tool and in-game settings.


Did you try the trick above ?

  1. Create a profile for some other game, it doesn’t matter which one
  2. Edit the profile and manually put the full path to the MSFS exe file into the EXE Path field
  3. PROFIT!!!

worked for me…as to settings that really help I am still playing around.

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I have the Windows Store version. But I cant find the MSFS.exe file. Where should it be?

ahhh i did the same search and i didn’t find it too !!!

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FWIW, I did it the easy way and just made the settings I wanted for MSFS to be the defaults instead of creating a profile.

I just start the debug tool up and change the SS to 2.0 and disable ASW.

It’s a shame it doesn’t remember these settings, but if i forget, it’s easy enough to start up and make the changes on the fly, as it were.

I’ve tried the tray tool, but couldn’t get on with it.

The executable is here

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.12.13.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe/FlightSimulator.exe

At least on mine it is.

WindowsApps is a hidden folder and all subdirectory were inaccessible until I took ownership of them.

I’ve stopped using the OTT. Frankly it didn’t make a blind bit of difference on my system.

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