ARC between STAR and Approach / "Manual" waypoint?


Here I am again with my questions!

(I don’t know if I can share Navigraph charts screenshots, so I won’t ^^)

In my example I make an approach ILS RWY 04L (MUS) in LFMN, with a NISA7R STAR. On Navigraph I can see an arc (DME?) between MUS(end of STAR) and LEMPU.

When I put the arrival in the MCDU I get a “MANUAL” line and a discontinuity.

Capture d’écran (12)

In order to make my approach I cleared the “MANUAL” point and the discontinuity, so it was direct between MUS and LEMPU

It works, but I suppose it’s not the way of doing it?

Thanks :wink:

In this case you should probably do what you did!
(I don’t have the charts, so I don’t know) but it looks to me like a vectors to final intercept.
Sim ATC needs a bit of work on that, you have to bug them a lot to get a vector, so I do exactly what you do.
Works like a charm.

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Thanks for your answer!

For now I have played only with in game ATC and it acts very weird… asking me to climb FL280 and 5s later asks me to descent to 4000 feet :sweat_smile:

On the approach chart, they only refer to the “initial approaches” chart, but it doesn’t give me more information in my opinion.

Yes, I just don’t pay any attention to ATC from the time I start my descent from cruise until I am on final approach.
I set my desired descent altitude to the next constraint on the flightplan.
That “climb” on approach bug can be a bit of a nuisance!

This is exactly correct. The STAR chart will show arrows directing away from the last waypoint on that STAR, and then IRL you would almost definitely be vectored to final approach or simply take manual sequence to final approach if cleared.

Of course it can technically be cleared by deleting the manual and discon, but where’s the realism in that :smiley:

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I just checked NAVBLUE charts and there is no (DME) arc between the IAF and IF.

The initial approach consists of vectors passing MUS. So in real life you would continue the specified track (090) upon passing MUS until receiving vectors (which MSFS doesn’t do).

The (DME) arc is a bug I, I have reported this before:


Initial Approach
