Maybe I have some quality demands on Microsoft Flight Simulators, but how can such a core function as aircraft lights or AI traffic lights completely missed out of a first sim update?
I can understand that you do the job according the votes, but some things should be worked on independent of votes, especially core functions should be done first.
Please Microsobo, get your “To Do list” in the right order!
Topic moved from Beta Discussion as this topic is not about a sim regression due to the beta test, or an issue regarding an item in the beta release notes.
I too find it sad that core functionality bugs like flight condition settings (especially multiplayer) changing by themselves every time you do a new flight don’t get fixed in the next possible release yet some of the fixes I read of in the release note of an update are so obscure and minor eg. one a while back was to fix the sign lighting at one stadium in Sydney!
IMO, Core UI or functionality issues should be fixed first, then the user priority list. Oh and every now and again also bump up some of the lower vote fixes that are only low priority because of the niche group experiencing them but it has a profound effect on the majority of that group. eg. VR toolbar not showing reliably, EFB not usable in VR and aircraft panels in VR become non responsive to mouse clicks after going to the main menu.
They don‘t work on the Bugs in the order of the votes, as they had in the first Beta Version some bugs fixed that were pretty low in the list. The order is more crashes/absolutely game breaking bugs first, and then everything else. And aircraft lights are neither of those, as the plane is still flyabale (but I believe some lights are now there what I‘ve read, even it is not in the list).