Are people EVER going to stop obsessing over FPS?

I’ve ready 100 threads on here about FPS this, FPS that. I have a question: ARE YOU ENJOYING THE SIM?

For crying out loud, this isn’t the computer olympics. I have a decent system (8700k/GTX1080 running at 1440p), I opened the sim the first time, set it to Ultra, and forget it.

Just fly. Go enjoy yourself. There is SO much to see in this sim. It’s the first time with a stock simulator you can actually go sightseeing and see new things in the world.

STOP OBSESSING ABOUT FPS and just fly, for crying out loud. It’s maddening.


These types of threads (threads complaining about others complaints) are so pointless!! What’s important or not important to you doesn’t count for everyone. If I’m landing a challenge and get 10fps on a killer system YES it IS a problem for me as well as others!!! If you’re happy with a modern day killer machine displaying frame rates like Atari then go play and stop chastising others and just stop reading those threads that for some reason upset you :roll_eyes:


Agreed. FPS was the issue in the beginning since GPUs weren’t being utilized. But since the previous patch, I’ve been enjoying the game immensely and while I’m not running a potato PC by any stretch, it’s no longer on par with this year’s leaps (■■■■ it, didn’t get a 3080) and I am still getting 40-50, at times 30 (hey) FPS and it’s running just fine.

I think it’s a combo between “reputation” of the sim from the early days of its (less-than-ideal) launch together with people being spoiled these days with framerate since rasterization is now no longer a challenge for 90% of the titles.

But I’d like to take this occasion to remind folks that just a few short years ago, 60 fps was the goal framerate to hit, and not 144 like today :slight_smile: I remember gaming in first person shooter at 30+ and not dying.

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for those now flying in VR, having as many FPS as possible is necessary to maintain a smooth experience. at a MINIMUM 45 fps and that’s if you have a high tolerance to motion sickness.

Right now, this game has so much going on (in addition to how bad it’s optimized) that it’s kicking the sh*t out of people with 64gb of RAM and 3080s with OC’d watercooled processors.

The bigger problem is “it must run 4k or i no play.” It runs fine for you and runs fine for me at 4K (though i normally play in 1080p when not in VR). But there’s a lot of people scratchin their heads as to why it runs one game flawless another another game like ■■■■


Hi there. At “ultra” my system is slow and stuttery and I don’t enjoy it. That’s why I play at “high-end” and it’s great! I get 25-35 fps in most areas and I love it.


Perhaps because they’re messing with every little setting. I literally set mine to Ultra the first day and haven’t touched a single setting since.

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Stop reading then. Fly more.


These types of posts (posts complaining about threads complaining about others complaints) are really annoying!


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But… I love First Person Shooters.

Pointless reply. I’m trying to help people. Stop obsessing over FPS and just fly.

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I’m running a GTX960 at mostly medium and getting 22-25. Great performance compared to the olden days with subLogic on the C64 when 8fps was something to be thrilled about.

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Or… you can stop obsessing about getting every last FPS out of the sim. It’s like the good old days, spending 4 times as much time tweaking as you do flying. What a complete waste. I get the occasional stutter. Yet somehow life has continued on. I’ve never turned on the FPS display and I never will.

Let’s start a revolution. Just fly. Stop obsessing.


then go play a racing game. gol

I think too many “gamers” think if it’s not running 200fps it’s broken.

You are not clicking heads here, 30-60 is perfectly acceptable. Anything over 60 on a normal monitor is probably a waste of resources. If anything holding a steady fps is much more important than a high fps as far as perceiving smoothness. I agree under 30 and it starts to become a performance issue.

I also think too many people are afraid to reduce quality for a more stable experience. Yes, it’s gorgeous on higher settings, but if you can’t fly because fps is bouncing between 10-20, well it’s not fun is it.


Is this your Christmas Rant?

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You clearly do care, and who’s going on a temper tantrum? I’m trying to help people.

I don’t even know what my FPS is. No clue. Let’s start an anti-FPS revolution.


Closing this topic as it isn’t providing a meaningful discussion about the sim, and it has generated a lot of flags.