Asobo Baron flies wing-down during cruise. (Its the only plane that does this)

Hi everyone,

  1. During cruise flight the stock Asobo Beechcraft Baron flies with the left wing dipped.
  2. It is the only plane that does this.
  3. Rudder & aileron trim = centered
  4. I’m not using any Baron mods

Joystick calibration checks out fine, again its ONLY the Baron that does this.
Would anyone have any ideas? Thanks :slight_smile:

PFD during level cruise flight. AP set to HDG & ALT hold:

I’ve never seen this and the baron is my goto. I have NO mods for it. I will watch for it but this would be quite obvious to anyone flying this plane. just saying… It may be something on your end…

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I should have thought of this before I posted but I will now delete this plane using Content Manager and then download a fresh copy to test. Will get back on here when I do that to say how it went!

Damaged flaps maybe?

Do you have other multi-engine props in the simulator? If you have them, do they fly the same way? Were there any crosswinds? In which position were your Caul Flaps for both engines? How many passengers and pilots were on board (Center of Gravity)? What kind of controls do you use for RPMs, MP, and MIxture for any of the engines, separate for any of them? In which position they are? What your engine instruments do indicate for Mixture, RPM, and MP? Fuel in your tanks, do you have the same quantity of GALs in them?

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Is your co-pilot to FAT??? Put them on a diet and see if that dont fix it…sorry couldnt resist. ;p

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The Caravan has done this with me twice; the second time, was the day before yesterday. I trimmed it out with rudder - I’m not sure why that worked, because previously it wasn’t necessary, but it worked.

It’s worth saying that the Caravan requires both rudder and aileron trim, which I used. Not sure if the Baron requires it too. But I have used trim frequently and the AP didn’t fly wing down before.

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I just stick a bit more fuel in the right wing to even out the balance…

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Did you try to reinstall the plane?

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Does it only behave like this on autopilot?

I have had a strange rudder bug like this with AP engaged, and i fixed it by setting a deadzone on the rudder axis.

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This is the problem, you are flying in a slip. Could be a rudder bug or joystick not centered maybe? If I’m not mistaken the Baron doesn’t have counter rotating engines so it does suffer from P-factor, slipstream and torque effects. I have no real world experience in the Baron, but could be normal? Might need some rudder trim in real life as well to continue coordinated flight. I have flown multi engine piston and turboprops which need a lot of rudder trim right after take-off, still some trim remains in cruise.

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The King Air and DA-62 fly perfectly. That is a very good point about the fuel load, I did not think of that. Will check during the next flight where it does this. Thats another weird thing - it wont do this on EVERY flight. The gremlins are out for sure.

I will check the load screen next!

See how strange MSFS can be! For me the Caravan has never had this issue, Ive never needed the rudder trim in that plane. Looks like the game gremlins cause chaos in different planes!

This is something I did not think about will check!

Not had a chance yet will do so later today when I get gaming and will get back on here after some test flights!

Yes only on AP. I can hand fly it and keep it wings level. As soon as I hit AP the wings stay level…and then very slowly the left wing drops and stays that way for the rest of the cruise.

I did think of this and re-calibrated the stick but that didn’t fix it. I almost wish ALL planes did this because then it could just be a stick issue but its only Baron that does this. You have given me one idea though - the next time this happens I will disconnect the stick and see what happens!

It’s not, only really need to touch the rudder trim when operating engine out.

Yes i had the same exact thing but on another plane (i think the JF Arrow). I made a larger deadzone on the rudder axis and the problem was gone.
It’s 100% the rudder looking by the slip indicator.

PS: Uncouple all peripherals including joystick during flight and see if it still happens.

I will totally check that when I next fly, will also look into the stick curves and dead zone settings. I have a buddy living close by who has a couple of sticks lying around that he doesn’t use, will hook one up just to see if it is mine thats causing it.

The fact that its only one plane thats showing this wing-dip makes it puzzling as I use the same stick with all the other airplanes.

Yes and uncouple all peripherals including the joystick after you engaged the AP.
If it doesn’t happen anymore it’s the joystick axis or other peripheral you may have.

If it still happens without joysticks etc. it has to be a mod or something but then you can look further.

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I mean, @anon50268670 told you the reason, it IS the reason for this bahaviour and my baron here doesn‘t do that (just checked). So either your hardware rudder control is not calibrated or your engine produced assymetrical thrust or your rudder trim is off, either accidentally set to the side or simply not set at all. There is no other other reason in the sim for this, nobody attaches draggy stuff to your right wing and unequal load like a fat copilot will not result in a slip but in a shifted CG which would require elevator and aileron trim (and eventually maybe a littlw bit of rudder trim to counter the drag induced by the aileron :smiley: ). Check your engine levers and controls, it‘s actually quite simple :crazy_face:

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Will check all these things. I did suspect asymmetric thrust but I use the hardware throttle on the stick that move both throttle levers together, same with the prop control which moves both levers in unison…but maybe something did go wrong there. It is a promising direction to look in along with the fuel imbalance.

When I solve it I will definitely post about it to help anyone else who may encounter this!

In this case definitely check your plane’s engine levers. it could even be the prop or mixture lever. The Asobo Baron isn’t modelled correctly anyway so there can be strong effects with very little differences. Maybe you acidentally used your mouse on one of the levers.

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Its not fuel imbalance. Fuel imbalance won’t cause such a large slip if any at all.

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