At MSFS startup stuck in XBox logon screen - Press Any Key to Continue

I have the MS store version and completly updated. Using normal mode.

Since several weeks I noticed, that I got stuck in the xbob logon screen. Yesterday evening screen didn`t appear, toady it appears. After clicking “auf gehts” I think it is the same as login - MSFS appears but again with “Bitte drücken sie eine Taste” please press any key and the xbox logon screen appears again.

It will work after restart or locking after driver updates, but this happen nearby daily.

Guys you do a good job and it is a really complex system and I even honor all your world updates for free. Please bring back a good user experience (especially the CTD happened currently almost everytime).

Thank you for your job I pretty sure you do your best.

Best regards.


Check that. It should work. Viel Glück!

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