So, the plane has a max ceiling of 14,000ft and the awesome ATC keeps asking me to climb to 20,000ft. Is there any other workaround other than doing VFR only? Thanks.
normally you can request a lower altitude.
Ironically we must be dealing with the same controller mine just asked me to climb to 22.000ft from a flight plan of 14000 when I requested a lower altitude he told me to climb to 22k and expect 6k…nooooo!!!
When planing the flight you can set a cruise altitude.
Or ask the ATC for a different altitude
If its the same issue I’m having, ATC is ignoring the flight plans cruise altitude
Mine never ignores the altitude from my initial flightplan from the world map.
Only if I change the flightplan in the aircraft and request a new clearance. Than ATC gives me a new altitude which I can change by requesting for my final cruislevel.
Noticed it for the first time yesterday, in my case its something of an issue because my ceiling is 17k and change and ATC want me at 22k and when you request a lower altitude it wants you to go to 22k first
I do that, but when ATC wishes something, it will ask again some time later…lol…I request a lower altitude, half an hour later it starts again asking me to climb. It is annoying. But thanks all!
You set your own cruise altitude in the flight plan. You must not be doing this. Go to the Nav Log page and you can put in any cruise altitude you want.
What SID STAR did you use? Some fixes have high minimum altitudes like FL200 as in your case, then ATC tries to force them.
A bit frighting when ATC tells you to climb to 22,000 feet and I am flying a 172.
I just ignore their stupid instructions to change to a higher FL, I acknowledge them but don’t change and eventually they come round to my way of thinking and all goes well for the approach.
I was on a flight from Gatwick to the Isle of White. ATC wanted to keep me at 6000, and for some reason there was no option to change altitude. I got iced up, and descended to 2000 to clear it. I got nagged, and one cheeky way I found to stop this was to request vectors every 30 seconds or so. They never got a chance to nag me any more, till I was close enough to be handed to tower.
What I find odd is that approaches and descents.
They don´t tell me to descent so I tried once and found my self 10000ft above glideslop after the STAR…
Got app clearence from tower… etc…
I fly IFR, but I file VFR and skip ATC. I just uses ATC to get around the airports and to parked.
Landade at a major internalionall with my G36, “taxi to parking via A, B , C”… looking at navigraph I coulden´t find those taxiways, went by F, FB, FM and G to the same parking
I don´t think the reason for this post is the altitude. May be, that I´m alone with that question:
Did anyone reach the waypoint following the direction given by ATC?
I can see the waypoint when I watch myself flying from outside the plane…straight ahead…I can see the compass rose (with all these numbers of degrees). Ask the ATC about the vector to next waypoint…20 to 30 degrees right or left or whatever. I should start a evaluation about how far they are out