ATC Assigns Wrong Runways with Wind Direction

This is terrible, indeed. Winds are 03018KT and I am given RWY22… time to press ESC and fire up X-Plane, I’m afraid.

to make it worse: No possibility to select runway. Even if I start on runway with engines running, I’m given a random runway, not the one I selected.

I ran into the same problem when landing at KSAN. Winds were out of the west, so I should have been directed to runway 27, but instead it sent me to 9. Interestingly all of the other traffic was approaching 27.

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Same. I wonder how something so basic to aviation got by the Asobo team. I bet the alpha and beta testers pointed it out a hundred times to them. Needs fixing for sure.

You are correct. I experience this regularly. I had atc land me on a runway once with a 30kt tail wind hahha. I donf use third party weather addons

I’ve been reporting this from day 1, wind in the sim is opposite to the real direction, the only way to see the right direction is to go to pfd in the left screen and pick wind and option 3, then you will see the wind speed and direction, but still the sim will not give the runway we need. I got runway 14 at KOS airport with the wind coming from 336 at 27 Knots, almost no plane will land safely. Also i got to land at st Maarten island on the runway coming from the mountain with wind 32 knots on my tail, in a Cessna that’s ok, everything bigger and faster will crash.
I see and hear a lot of people, stepping back to Xplane11, and i think about this too, because a beautiful scenery, with no plane to be able to fly correctly, doesn’t attract me.
I see the Japan update, don’t want it, but they keep on taking my time to fly because of this update, don’t they have repairs to do on the plane’s and winds? The DA 62 has no working de-ice installation, ice light doesn’t even work, BE 36 & 58 have autopilots, that don’t stop climbing if the ALT. set is reached, BE 58 baron is a six seat plane, but only 2 passengers are to be added in balance and weight. The Cirrus has a not working AP, when i9t comes to NAV HOLD it is just holding direction you’re going. Repair this first, than come with movie like new items. it all looks very beautiful, but if there is no good flying plane to go there, i am likely to step back to X-plane too.

The wind direction and runway instruction from ATC is just wrong. Only by about 180° . I see comments about this but no acknowledgment.


I haven’t seen ATC being wrong on the wind yet. I did notice the MFD on some planes showing it 180 degrees turned around though, and it’s been reported before.

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I think they mean with their runway assignments. It seems to be incorrect based on the wind.

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As an example today the wind was reported by
atis as 067 at 23 knots .
I was instructed by atc to land on runway 26.
This has been occurring from day one.


Depends on what you consider to be the correct runway at that point in time. It might not be correct compared to real-world weather but it most likely is with the weather in the sim.
Also, keep in mind that a runway is not closed everytime the wind switches directions. If there’s only a minor tailwind of a few knots and/or the TAF reports significant changes to the wind direction the current runway might aswell stay active.

Best way to check the runways in use would be to check ATIS messages in the sim. I’m pretty sure the runways mentioned there will not deviate from what ATC assigns you for.

Edit: bottom line - weather information is no reliable source on runways in operation. Decision is made in the tower.

Actually I have had this multiple times now in MSFS where ATIS or even Tower on the landing clearance, will give runway wind information that clearly favors the opposite runway of the one in use…well above a few knots where it can be ignored.

In real life it sometimes takes a PIC to ask if the opposite runway is available to make it happen. Up until that first guy asking for 24 instead of 06 herd mentality sometimes has everyone “thinking 24 would be better” but “I don’t want to cause a ruckus” or “well that Bonanza managed to land with that 12 kt tailwind so my SuperCub should do OK”


True, but in case of the example given, a 23 kts tailwind, I would have preferred the other runway, don’t you agree?


What was the actual wind on final?
ATIS currently reports wrong data, so the most relevant for flying are the actual conditions.
I usually use METAR from online sources which now match the wind pretty well since Asobo fixed the issues with cached old data last week.

Currently ATIS cannot be trusted with live weather.

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The tower only clears you for a runway. The decision to land there is made in the cockpit. The pilot/Captain decides based on weather information.

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Regarding the 180 windsock, there’s a common mistake done by amateur developpers as well as pro like Orbx with KSBA still not patched :

Source :


Ummm, Not even close. You can’t disregard towers landing clearance at a controlled airfield and just choose to land on another runway if you feel like it.

I’ve seen the same issue as what the OP said. Sometimes the ATC seems to just be plain back to front. YSBK in Sydney Australia, ATC always has the active runways back to front to the wind


It’s actually the tower that reports the wind then clears you to land with a 20 knot tailwind


Not in the real world, at least not as you write it here. Yes the PIC does make the final decision on the runway, but if as PIC I don’t like the assigned runway, for example due to the winds, I must request a runway change from the tower. And then possibly accept a holding position until my request can be granted.
That does happen and I have done that on a couple occasions, in one case as soon as I asked for the other runway quite a few other crews chimed in they would like the same, including commercial flights.

The only exception to this would be if you have declared an emergency and have been given carte blanche to land on anything available to you.

I think you’ve got it in one . It is the tower that is wrong not the weather as the wind sock is correct to the atis and the aircraft’s behaviour

In fact, I got denied today… twice. Wind was 21 I think it was, runway was 6, asked for 24 “No”, 17? “No, but you can use 35”… they did eventually switch to 17