ATC Assigns Wrong Runways with Wind Direction

And @BarbedJungle585

That‘s exactly what I said. You‘re cleared to land, not forced to. If you decide not to land on the assigned runway for whatever reason (wind for example) you don‘t. You then request another runway and either you get the clearance or you divert. Of course you can‘t land whereever you want. But you don‘t have to land if you don‘t want to. This is the decision of the cockpit crew.

OK…then it was just a simple misunderstanding or misreading of what you posted.
In the sim of course exactly that bit does not quite work, as the tower will not clear you for the opposite runway. So you are stuck with either going somewhere else or violating the regulations and land on the desired runway despite the clearance :slight_smile:

For me it is just a little baffling that this rather simple concept, one that has as far as I can remember worked flawlessly in the legacy sims, is so wrong in this version.

ATC Winds

This is the sort of thing I was talking about…Winds 096 @ 29 … runway in use 25 :slight_smile:

And in MSFS you do not have an option to ask for 07 which would be what any sane pilot would do in this location where both directions have a clear approach path and if needed an ILS.

And despite that wind, I still don’t have the “just a few bumps” award :slight_smile:


Or you just don‘t touch FS ATC :smiley:


I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to request a different runway in the past. Doesn’t show up all the time though. Maybe if you’re past a certain point it’s not available anymore? Not sure what defines it being an option.

I once requested another runway and approach, Atc cleared me but with “circling to land” on again the wrong one.

Also I had AI traffic landing on the opposite direction than the one assigned to me by ATC but that was back in August and might have been fixed in the meantime.

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It does work if there is a parallel runway. But if there is only one I have not had any luck asking for the upwind runway so to speak.
On an IFR flight I can ask and normally get clearance to any runway I like, but as others have pointed out with the “circle to land” command which negates the whole excercise :smiley:

Safe to say ATC does need some major fixing, or for the moment simply go back to FS9 or X. It was not perfect there either, but quite a bit more consistent at least with US FARs.

Also the flightplanner newly inverts the RWY direction. When I have wind from north and I make a correct flightplan the stupid flightplanner from MSFS takes the south runway, as soon as i choose a parkposition for starting the flight.
Also when I don’t select a parkposition (in the planner) and try to start on the planned RWY I find myself on the opposite RWY when the flight starts!
I am very soon SICK TO DEATH of this simulator!!!

Such a wunderfull flightsim world, as never seen.
But flightplanning and ATC really make me throw up!

Again, I found out, how to outwit MSFS.
If you just plan a VFR and fly without ATC, you can start on your selected RWY. And land on the correct one too! What a gift is this!!

The problem is, that you spend more time atempting to outwit the software, than with flying.

You can see in the screenshot that wind is 163 at 9 and ATIS for the airport is advising that runways 18 and 18L are in use with visual approach. Firstly these runways don’t exist at LFLL, where I am tuned in for ATIS. And the second issue is that when asking ATC to come in for full stop landing, it directed me to runway 35L where I would have almost 9 knots tailwind. That seems like an odd runway selection.

Would love to see ATC do this correctly.

Yes indeed, almost every time :thinking: :unamused:

ATC options are still a hot mess. When you select a runway and taxi to it and then announce departure, it announces the wrong runway unless you select a departure runway a second time as you sit there looking at it. It won’t let you tune AWIS or ATIS at many airports unless you leave the traffic pattern. The assist gives you frequency change and then puts you right back in the same approach you just changed from. Manual tuning would be awesome to add to override the lack of realistic options.

As for the maps, runways are not even close to the real airports in the ones I’ve flown making directions from ground impossible to follow since the signs aren’t all there. Gates aren’t naked either… good luck finding your parking space at a larger airport. And you can’t shut down until you are properly there or you don’t get logged properly.

All that said, I love this sim (running all the way realistic and live)! What an amazing sense or realism.

Are you referring to the departure clearance sending you to another take-off runway instead of the pre-programmed flight? yea it happens. Somehow i found that some of these desired take-off/landing runways are closed in real-life due to time of day or construction (NOTAMs), not sure if MSFS follows these NOTAMs.
Manual tuning to specific ATIS should be possible with 2nd comm but there is a need to search for the freq off-game as the ATC menu do not provide it most of the time except when parked or close to airport (inflight).

The taxi way marking (on the taxi path) and the taxiway signs…don’t think its reliable. I will just follow the blue arrow path to the runway, for big airport where the taxi distance is >1nm, I will let the ‘smart’ co-pilot taxi for me…just too lazy haha. The airport ground is just messy in terms of objects in the path or not in the right place…but the basics e.g. pushback works. So I don’t really care about the mess.
For trip end (and trip log), so far i get them most of the time once I turn off the engines and batteries.

Coming from FS2002 (yes, ancient :slight_smile:), MSFS2020 certainly improved in eye candies and a little more on flight model and inflight flight plan. I have never played other flight sim…so can’t compare.

Ah ■■■■… I meant taxiways , not runways. Runways, so far, are spot on. Taxiways aren’t marked with the actual taxiway that it would be at the real airport. IE taxiway Alpha at KISP in MSFS2020 is actually taxiway H at the real airport. Real airports have the gates marked as well, but no markings are in MSFS2020. I don’t use assist if I can help it as I’m using this as a training aid for real flights so I don’t get a line to follow to taxi or park. It is fun watching the tug drive right through your wing as it misses your nose gear on pushback. Don’t want to see that at a real airport. LoL

I do not think the taxiways are accurate to real life, majority of the taxiway signs are blank. Even the hand crafted (high detailed) airports may have differences compared to real life.

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I just started a new flight using live traffic from KLAX to KSJC. On the World Map where you create your flight, it showed planes departing and landing from runways 25L/R and I made my flight plan accordingly. However, when I loaded into the flight and requested clearance (playing solo using AI) I was assigned runway 7L, which is the same as 25R but in the opposite direction. This meant I had to go back in my FMS to reprogram my flight from the correct runway but it also does not match the current ATIS information from live traffic. Is anyone else seeing this? I wonder if this is just an issue with this airport or if it also is happening to others.

Super common occurrence for me.

Our local strip nearly always uses RWY 29 in real life, as we are on the coast and have prevailing northwest winds 90% of the time. In Flight Sim, tower assigns RWY 11 90% of the time, even if weather has wind blowing at 20+ knots from 300 degrees.


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This a very common bug from ATC, to assign a runway with a tail wind, which I ignore and use the proper runway.

I usually just look at the ground speed overlay in the world map and assign the appropriate runway myself with a headwind. Never goes wrong.

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I think that this is not ATC related … but the game engine “picks” the runway and ATC just reports it.

It might seem like a little detail but I think in matters, as it might help to narrow down the place where this bug is originating.

Recently I notices on a number of small airfields a similar problem. When I pick that airfield as my departure location I get placed on the default “start” location on the runway. But when I “zoom in” to “double-check” … I often find myself launching with the (strong) wind coming right from my back.

Here is one example from today (SDDR, Brazil)

once in the game I “double-check” the wind indicator near the runway if the “real” wind direction matches the displayed information … and they do match …

So it seems like the algorithm picking the locations is not correctly taking the wind direction into account.

(PS … minor note … the “Km/h” spelling could also be adjusted … “kilo” is always a small “k”)