ATC Daher vs TBM

Was there a fix to make ATC refer to the 930 as TBM instead of Daher

Daher is the manufacturer so everything works fine.

You had to change the file that defines the TTS responses. A search should bring that up I think.


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THere’s no official fix for this. However, you can change this yourself.

Open this file in a text editor like Notepad: Official\OneStore\fs-base\en-US.locPak

“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text”: “Daher”,
“ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts”: “Daher”,

Change those lines to:


Note you’ll have to manually make this change after every update of the sim, as this file gets overwritten with each update.


I’ve never created a mod in my life, at least not for this sim, but if I wanted to do this programmatically I would write a Powershell script to search that file for that string, and do a simple search/replace.

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Indeed. If so inclined, a Powershell script could quickly and easily do this with a single click vs having to manually change it every time.

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I had a quick play around with this, and left the first test commented out. It seems to work well enough. You could collapse it further, but its clearer what is going on with the declarations at the top. Test 1 replaced each string as a separate line, test 2 collapsed those into a single line, test 3 replaces all of them, needing just it, and the top three. If you didn’t want the declarations at all, you could replace all the variables, and have a single line do it all.

As always, make backup copies of files before running anything like this!!

$file = 'D:\Flight Simulator\Official\OneStore\fs-base\en-US.locPak'
$string1 = '"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.text": "Daher",'
$string2 = '"ATCCOM.ATC_NAME_DAHER.0.tts": "Daher",'

#$contents = get-content $file -Raw

#$contents = $contents -replace $string1, ($string1 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' ) # Test 1 
#$contents = $contents -replace $string2, ($string2 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' ) # Test 1

#$contents = $contents -replace $string2, ($string2 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' ) -replace $string2, ($string2 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' ) # Test 2

#set-content $file -Value $contents # Test 2

($contents = get-content $file -Raw) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace $string1, ($string1 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' )` -replace $string2, ($string2 -replace '"Daher"', '"TBM"' ) } | set-content $file # Test 3
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