- ATC response reminder timings …did you copy ? etc are much too short and there is no “standby” option for a busy pilot in high workload situations.
- alitude instructions …“climb”…“descend” …are always too late giving pilot insufficient time to set up the aircraft to ensure a continuously smooth climb or descent.
In a powerful jet aircraft especially these insructions need to be recieved by a pilot at least 500-600 feet BEFORE the previous commanded altitude is reached. At present the new altitude instruction invariably is heard when the commanded altitude is too close or bust and the aircraft needs to be setup again for the altitude change.
I’m not finding that, TBH, so can’t comment.
The workaround is, after you’ve entered the lower altitude you’ve been given, and executed it, preset a lower altitude (doesn’t matter what it is) and when you’re given the new altitude, hit the button and then adjust it.
To illustrate:
- You’re at FL390 and you’re given FL300.
- Set up FL300 and hit FLC or VS. The aircraft descends.
- While you’re descending, select (say) FL260.
- You’re given (say) FL280. You hit the button and the aircraft descends smoothly through 300 towards 260.
- Adjust the preselected altitude to 280.
Not perfect but it works.
Personally I just leave it to the FO to manage comms, except on specific situations like requesting IFR taxi, requesting a change in cruise altitude or requesting taxi to parking/gates. The rest of the comms I’ll leave them to FO (assistance options) because else it’s too cumbersome.
Sometimes the AI really messes up with altitude requests. For example, on the approach to SKMD or Quito it thinks you’re a Panavia Tornado with a terrain following radar, it literally sends you to 6000’ and then you have to climb to 12000’ because there’s a bloody huge hill before the airport. It also messes by not correctly registering cruise altitude changes. You might have an IFR plan with FL320 and then you want to cruise at FL250, you ask for a decrease of 7000’. The ATC confirms and 3 minutes later it’s already “Yo kiddo expedite your climb to FL320 or I’ll wait for you at whatever airport you go”. What I actually do is follow the altitudes on my flight plan (particularly for approaches).
It isn’t perfect really, I take it as an aviation-related background noise and nice small detail, not too much as a real ATC (for that we have VATSIM or IVAO).