ATC is useless now in multiplayers mode

I was flying in a group of my friends earlier today,We found that it is impossible to share our ATC information.We could not hear or see each other s ATC information.Well,not a big problem but it s kinda annoying.If ai ATC could control us all at the same time,that will be much much better.If it`s hard to make it come true in all/live players mode,at least we want us all to follow only 1 ATC controller in ‘group only’ mode.We are all in the same frequency,we are all following the ATC,and we got a terrible jam at the runway.finally.We really hope this issue can be solved one day.Thks!

And thank you again for creating this GREAT GREAT AMAZING simulator!True love from China.(My English might be terrible,sorry: )

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For me atc is complete broken.
Dosnt matter if I use azure or offline mode. No atc sound at all since today

you need to download the microsoft english voice pack in the windows 10 settings, it tells you when you start downloading the game content

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This may solve his problem. Hey do you have any idea about mine? Is that possible to make my friends share one atc frequency through settings or something right now?Or we should just wait for developers to add this feature? :joy:

I was answering to the comment above mine, btw I don’t know I thought this is how it was supposed to work since live mode in the menu says ai and players share the same atc

Yeah I think so. And thks for replying. :stuck_out_tongue:

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