ATC offering wrong cruising altitude

I totally agree

I totally agree, the reason why I have turned off ATC is not just the altitude assignment ‘Bug’ but the wrong runway given at destination, meaning landing with a tail wind (worse now due to the so called flaps issue) not observing GA speeds which at busy Airports you end up with conflicts with faster moving tube liners, being vectored into mountains when landing somewhere in the Alps (it’s a long list) and these bugs are happening right of the end of a good enjoyable flight. It’s a throwback from FSX and even earlier builds of MFS, seems that Asobo have cherry picked which part of the old sims to work on first with new tech and left what they feel as lesser important items to carry on from the old coding. I’m sure it will improve, but it depends on what they see as a priority over the next ten year period of development. This is why I disagree with the voting system that is in place, it only takes into account a tiny snap shot of what users think are serious issues.

For me, I can deal with the altitude stuff, I just ignore them and they eventually start telling me the right stuff, it’s the constant go arounds they tell you to do because the AI planes take so long to get off the runway… lol

I’ve resorted to just landing anyway, full autobrakes, quick on the reversers, I can usually slow enough to get off the runway and exit before I hit the stupid AI plane doddering down the centerline at 3 miles per hour.

And don’t forget to dodge those pesky forklift trucks, coaches or fire engines on the ground lol :slight_smile:

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