I also experience this.
I confirm the same problem, still unresolved to this day. Sometimes I have the impression that the ATR still has the VNAV coupled in the background, even pressing APP, this issue doesnât make sense.
Did the workaround above work for you?
Had this happen the last two flights. The last flight it even lost the glideslope due to falling too low.
Even after yesterdayâs update, the issue is present. I wish Milviz pressed on with their ATR. This one is a joke.
Here we are Sept 9th, 2024 issue with ILS, RNAV GS issue on approaches NOT SOLVED!
Also the issue with the landing gear shaking if you shot down the engines. Can not believe it!
Love the aircraft but can not fly it anywhere. Please fix.
totally agree, same set of issues with ATRs for me: not following ILS GS and RNAV GS correctly (always significantly lower + stab trim floating when AP on). LNAV sometimes not able to hold the route straight (gets also floating around the direction). Great and much awaited series of ATRs made impossible to fly instrumental. Shame!
UPD: tested few airports and aircraft and it seems the problem is coming from sim or airport model. ATR nav works fine for some airports (both lateral and vertical). However in some regions and conditions (strong winds and jetstreams) it can be really unstable. But again, im assuming thats sim issue.
Been testing a while comparing with two other aircraft: CRJ which had also some nav issues and stock CJ4 which is was never to complain about executing approaches.
Well after testing I gotta tell there is problem with AP servicing both lateral and vertical navigation during approaches with ATR. Deviations off course demonstrated in 4 flights with same airport, weather and setup. Comparing to CRJ its very similar though CRJ managed to navigate to the runway (with some jumping arounds). CJ4 was super stable: properly capturing approaches and executing them perfectly to the touchzone. ATR has shown itself least stable of those three: three of four approaches cancelled at 1000ft. and higher. Again quite upsetting having such a wonderful aircraft doing its primary mission. Please fix it.
Same developer.