Have been having a lot of fun flying the ATR lately, and being on xbox, the only way to get liveries appears to be through the in game marketplace.
My question is simply, which ones / packs are the best on there?, there are lots by different peple and it’s hard to tell the quality of the liveries from most of the supplied screenshots.
Any suggestions before I spend my hard earned?
Visit this site, tons of great ATR liveries there.
Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS Mods, Add-Ons & Liveries - Flightsim.to
As I said in my post, I have to use the in game marketplace because I am on console.
I’ve enjoyed the liveries that I’ve purchased from BravoAirspace for the ATR.
I’ll second this. They’re pretty and cover a comprehensive, realistic geographical variety for different missions you might want to fly with this.
The 4simmers stuff is pretty nice.
Please check out the bravoairspace liveries quality is 2nd to none
It’s hard to tell what you’re looking for in what you’ve posted.
Are there any particular liveries you’re looking for? Airlines you’d like to fly? Where do you like to fly?
Why do you even want more liveries than what came with the plane?
(I’m not doubting you want more liveries, but, it’s hard to say what would be good choices without any statement on what you’re looking for… or are you just a collector and you don’t care? You obviously care or you wouldn’t be asking which ones are “good”…)
The question is quite simple: Which of the liveries available on Marketplace are the best?
I own 2 of them, and while the liveries themselves are all great, NEITHER of them include correct airline callsigns. I’ve contacted both of the developers and only FSOARES has responded to say they’ll update their liveries asap. When that update will come through is anyone’s guess.
Has anyone else experienced the drone camera freezing when using ATR liveries on xbox? I am trying to troublshoot exactly when it happens.
Thanks all!.
The answer the question about what type of livery, I fly anywhere where the route is ‘interesting’, so over flies some interesting scenery, or has an interesting approach, or is somewhere I have real life experience of.
One of the liveries I would have liked was Stobart, but it appears that no package includes one of those.
Bravosimflight seem to be the most realistic looking.
FWIW, I used to be a ‘painter’ for Feelthere, in particular their ERJ, I no longer have the equipment to fly on PC or create my own liveries, so I am just looking for something that pleases my “painters eye” lol