ATR PFD and panels freeze

Had exactly the same issue on my system for the first time after the October update. PFD and Tablet frozen and had to end my flight. Happened with the ATR-42 today. A shame things like this are happening after more than one year after the initial release of this aircraft

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PFDs and tablet froze 10nm before ILS when arriving into EDDK. Ap, screens, lights, everything was inoperative.

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This aircraft/developer is unaceptable. What do they fix in the updates? I mean nearly 3 hours of flight, a Saturday afternoon to relax and 10 min before landing everything was inoperative. Why?? even an atr from from xplane 10 works better, come on It’s 2024. This addons cost money, this is a joke. Unbelievable.


I can understand the gravity feed, you are right, they are booster pumps. However, they still indicate green on the display as if they are running.
Also, the condition levers (CL) are another issue. They will be in cutout, correctly, at the beginning of the flight, but any other time after initial operation will not go into the cuttout position and stay there. I’ve tried the controller, a mouse, and just hot keying the CL cutout function to keyboard, but in all cases the CL will go into cuttout and immediately bounce itself back into feather. I’ve tried to hold down the CL long enough to shutdown the engine, but it bounces the entire time and no effect. The only way the engines will shutdown is if you use the RB shutdown shortcut, but that shuts everything down and is not anything close to a simulation.

Sounds like we all are experiencing the same issues more or less, and I agree, I had no freezing issues prior to the October update. The 42 freezes so much its unflyable, and the 72 is gambling. I seem to have less problems with the Highline and Freighter versions so I use those.

The other things I mentioned (CLs, fuel pumps, general shutdown) were there prior to the update and still remain. I can no longer uninstall the update, so I can’t avoid the issue anymore. Sad, because the ATR was one of my favorite planes.

I think these pumps actually need to keep running, if not the engines will stop once the feeder tanks are empty, if I understand correctly Magnar Nordal video on the subjet


if “the chief” magnar says it

that’s the end of that

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Magnar said once the system is going, those pumps should turn off automatically because flow is maintained with the feeder tank full by the venturis, so the pumps shouldn’t be on in the first place. Its semantical though. What Im saying is the engines will not turn off. If the engines would turn off, then you turn the pumps off, because you are securing the airplane. But because the condition levers will not stay in the cutout position, the engines will not turn off. I was further elaborating that securing the fuel system didn’t even turn them off, but based on system opertation you can’t really secure the fuel system without securing the engines first.

The shutdown sequence of the ATR is flawed and needs to be fixed. Let’s just put it that way.

I think the switches are to be left on and the system will manage itself

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

yes same issue after a time flying 10 to 1 h the panel is freeze the clock stop working and if you go to ecternal view you can move the plane

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Mine freezes as soon as I press IMPORT OFP on the tablet, I can use it to activate external power for example, everything seems to be working. Even the LOG IN button allows me to input my navigraph ID but as soon as I press IMPORT OFP to insert flight plan from simbrief it freezes, all electronics do, no PFD or MFD work, mcdu doesn’t respond either.

So this freeze stuff is a known bug in msfs 2020 and will be fixed in 20+ years or time unknown.
I got that.
Now it does the same in msfs 2024.
Do we need to file a bug separately?
No other game made me so frustrated

Unknown but can’t really hurt.

What do you mean?
20 + or unknown does not make much difference, right?

I was refering to whether or not you need to file a new bug report thread.

OK, I understand. Thank you.

also for me atr is unflyaable due to freeze bug, this is unacceptable for a payware addon, shame on Microsoft and Asobo

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What a shame this happened on a payware and they are still unable to fix this after almost 3 months, what a shame! Microsoft!

This freeze is happening in MSFS 2024 as well !

Does someone has very recent news on upcoming fixes, for MSFS 2020 as well as for MSFS 2024 ?