Audio Stutters In Menu / Globe And On Ground / During Flight

Why are you pushing this? Have I offended you in some way? Yes I believe it to be a wider problem than a msfs bug, and it IS feedback logged, Not bug logged.

1 Like posts were flagged as inappropriate yet the other post aimed at me saying my advice was dangerous is classed as acceptable?

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C’mon guys no need to fight here. We will see what MS/Asobo has to to say regarding this. Probably nothing, knowing them.

On other news, on other games like COD, I have to change my mouse from the MX MAsters 3, to some Log wired gaming mouse because the camera panning its all choppy when using the MX Masters 3. So last night I did 2 flights and decided to use the other mouse. The sensitivity is way higher so I had to get used in the cabin to move the mouse slower. BUT, no cracking whatssoever in both flights… It was quite a discovery. LOL


That is good news, let’s hope it stays that way for you and you’ve found your culprit.

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I partially understand your frustration and skepticism, but I can reassure you that the “Under Investigation” status genuinely means that someone competent is studying the issue. Without having access to the code, I can only guess that this issue will likely be tricky to solve—we already encountered similar symptoms a long time ago while developing sceneries for FSX (we resolved it back then by decreasing the mesh resolution).

Look guys, this is an official forum, and many users take the information here seriously. Recently, there has been a growing trend of experimental tweaks and unsupported modifications. While I understand the desire to find quick fixes, some of these suggestions are questionable at best and risky at worst.

In the end, this only complicates things for everyone, including developers, and ultimately delays real solutions. The best thing anyone experiencing this issue can do is report the problem and vote for the bug, ensuring it gets the attention it needs. I believe it’s time to approach this issue with patience and allow the developers to properly investigate and resolve it.


I guess you are right. As a software developer I also understand that things can get into the backlog for long long time.

Anyway, lets hope MS/@asobo finds a resolution rather quick since this bug is not only annoying, but I would call it a “show stopper”.


Ok, maybe found the issue!?

Win11 24h2 is known for sound issues.
I installed the latest windows preview update. That reduced the latencys system wide.

I updated to the latest uefi, updated chipset and everything which was not up to date.

This seemed to solve the problem and latency stays low.

What I noticed in Beta, it started stuttering, not the sound, the sim. It wasn’t smooth anymore.
I wondered why?
Something must be changed in the beta which decreases performance.
Before beta I had stable 60fps,4K, all Ultra. GPU load 75-85% percent.

Now with the beta, same settings, i get 60fps, but its not smooth anymore. The GPU load is at 90-99%.

I now set up a framelimiter through NVIDIA inspector. Locked 40fps.
With this locked, is completely smooth again and the gpu load is back at 75-85%.
So far so good!

NOW, let’s get back to the sound stutters!

I tried to load the FENIX Airbus, even with the FPS Limit to 40, its starts loading and during loading I got crackling stuttering sounds. Latency spikes up (NVIDIA driver File caused it).
When the sim is loaded I get 30fps…. Before beta 50fps.

So the conclusion the loads in the sim changed its more demanding on the graphics card which could cause system latency. Maybe caused by the actual drive from NVIDIA, but definitely caused by the beta.

Try to look your FPS to a count which you can get stable, for example 30fps.
Then try again and take a look of your flight is smooth and if the sound stutters are gone.

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This also happens on Win 10 systems.
I clearly noticed that it must have something to do with the landscape textures. For me, this stuttering and crackling sound only occurs when I look down at the landscape. This isn’t always the case, but when it happens it definitely is. As soon as I look at the sky, the stuttering disappears immediately. There are flights where it doesn’t happen once and then there are flights where it happens very often. This only started in the SU1 beta.


What’s your GPU load and how much FPS did you get with SU1?

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Basically, my fps are actually back to what they were before the beta. Typically at a relatively stable 40-45 fps during flight. Vram levels out at 8.5-9gig and the whole thing in VR. If stuttering occurs then it goes down to 15 fps and fluctuates a lot. Vram remains the same. I have to see what the GPU load looks like. I didn’t pay any further attention to it.

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Im leaving the beta, to see if it’s like before.


I can confirm it’s the beta!
The Beta pushes my GPU load with exact same setting up to 95-99%.

I opt out of the beta. Reinstalled the whole sim.

Loaded in, exact SAME SETTING, my GPU load is down to 21-25%!!!

Buttery smooth 60FPS no audio stutters not video stutters!


I just did a medium cargo (6 hour ingame) flight. No stuttering or sound cracklings during the flight. Everything went smoothly. However, when I landed it started. The GPU stayed quiet and was suddenly only at 20-30%. However, the CPU went crazy and jumped between 80-90%.
In the openxr tool I saw the rdr cpu value increase from regular 11ms to 56ms.
rdr CPU: The time spent (on GPU) by the application for the rendering part a frame. This may not include game logic.
This definitely didn’t happen before the su1 beta.


Guys, please finally accept that this issue depends on the servers, and you’re simply wasting your time. One day you have a smooth flight, another day you get stutters—with exactly the same settings—because it all depends on factors external to your system.


Yes, everything points to that.

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I experience audio stutters when the sim is downloading and processing large amounts of data. The issue is particularly noticeable in dense PG areas, where the stutters become more severe.


Totally agree, quit trying to update to beta’s and all this stuff. It’s been like this since day one and only in this sim. 10 other games I play regularly have no issues whatsoever and neither does MSFS2020. It’s all because of this sim, either server side or client side, or both.


seeing this increase in rdr CPU as well - usually hovers around 9-11ms (more on the ground) and once in the air, it often goes to 50+, resulting in heavy, heavy stutters. Was not there before SU1 Beta 1 or 2

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yeah… yesterday was amazing, 4 flights, no stutters. I was so happy…
F. this S. Gonna install 2020.

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So FS2020 Installed, graphics are not as “nice” as 2024, but F. it, Im here for the flying.

I spent some good amount of time configuring again my sidestick and quadrant, mouse and Keyboard, and now its working all… 200Gb in disk, but hey it works.

What really annoys me is that on FS2024 I bought the premium deluxe, and this S. happens. I can’t even fly the Longitude because of this Stutters, plus that plane has the LDG Lights pointing downwards, so night flights are a no-no in that plane.

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