Audio Stutters In Menu / Globe And On Ground / During Flight

Put the 2024 aside and let Asobo fix the problem. I’ll fly again in 2020. This is just too stupid for me.

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I experienced something like that years before, when microsoft decided to drop the EAX hardware support and does everything via software rendering. These soundcards didn’t only sound better, they reduced cpu load and gave higher fps. With Win10 these sound/performance problems started for me.
As MSFS is very stressful on computer hardware, i guess there is a bottleneck. I also often experienced CTD in VR when ATC audio message dropped in and you can see stutters when the audio message starts.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes, same issue. Only when using my Q3 VR headset using VD and/or Link Cable.

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There are plenty of people who don’t have this problem at all.

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I do, I had it a few times but rarely.
I got it last night and a few nights before.
I fly in VR exclusively and what i noticed a few nights ago when it occurred I was flying toward and looking at a rain cloud on approach to Queenstown NZ, if I turned my head away from it it stopped if I looked at it again it started again. When I landed on the runway from west to east and stopped mid runway I turned my head toward the cloud just off and to the left of forward and it started again turned away and it stopped.
The same probably occurred last night but I cannot be certain as my flight was in pitch dark, but what I do have is a video that recorded the stutter events from last night.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes. Occurs in most aeroplanes at various stages of flight. Brief stutter of audio. Doesn’t appear to be linked to any other sim event. Usualts last 1-2 seconds where the sound scratches and/or cuts out.

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Does not occur in 2020. Has commenced only with 2024.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


same exact here. every single time that I fly in VR this occurs like clockwork after a few minutes of flying, irrespective of the area or the level of details (my hardware exceeds highest requirements): CPU usage goes through the roof, GPU goes down and so do FPS with terrible video and audio stutters

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I have the Nova Pro.

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sound stutters are back as of today :frowning: :frowning_face:
This is so weird. Less than 24 hours ago, there were no sound stutters whatsover. As of today, they are back. Nothing changed on my system. I dont get it.

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Same problem here. Sound stutters every 30-40secs.

What I also recognize, that in the FPS window, you can clearly see that the “MainThread” goes into the red for a second of a time. Then, the whole PC isn’t reacting to anything. Mouse is freezing, while I type this I’m flying currently. The whole typing is freezing in this bit of time.

I still can’t figure out, what is causing this kind of problem. You can see clearly, that the FPS drops down to 30-40Fps from 80-90Fps. Again, only problems with this simulator.

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Same here. When MSFS 2024 stutters, it takes my whole PC with it, and everything on the PC / in the OS locks up just for a moment. Audio output (on all devices), mouse and keyboard inputs, everything. I’ve tried most all workarounds posted here, including Game Mode Off, disabling other audio devices other than the ones I’m using, Process Lasso with and without, and nothing. The only thing I haven’t tried is downgrading to Windows 11 23H2, because it’s too late and I’d have to do a full Windows clean install to go back.


I’m using W11 23H2 and get the same audio stutters and PC issues when in FS24. Other VR games in ultra work fine (Half Life Alyx, Red Faction, Moss, etc…)


The tip shared previously to use latencymon was invaluable to me to rid my system of these audio stutters.

When I downloaded and ran the software while starting up msfs2024 it flagged a certain process that was causing massive latency spikes in windows 24h2.

I searched the processs and related latency and what fixes were available, this led me to then download TCP optimizer and run that program in admin mode then to select optimal settings. Then I rebooted my pc and that process that was previously spiking stopped.

I still had audio stutters though so I repeated another run of latencymon with the sim starting up, but this time a different process was flagged with high latency, so again I searched online and applied the fix I found. (Incidentally the second latency spike was caused by a specific setting being enabled in my WiFi card options, as soon as I disabled that option the spikes stopped).

For my system, this process of using latencymon to figure out what was going on, really helped.

I am now able to run the sim without ANY latency issues which in turn have reduced my CPU spikes and resultant stuttering to zero.


waiting for Update!

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Do you remember which WiFi card setting you disabled?

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Yes it was packet coalescing. @LeftosGIAA

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What kind of configuration do you have? I wasn’t aware that FS can use 2 GPUs at the same time.

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Fs24 can use 2 GPUs at the same time, I use the igpu and a rtx3060 12gb together.


9800x3D, 64 GB RAM, 4070ti super 16Gb, Kingston Gen4 Nvme 1tb for MSFS.
My CPU is OC to 5.5Ghz, my ram is running XMP 6000Mhz.

Running 2k rezolution with this setup and frame generation I get 100-130FPS at KJFK all graphics HIGH and a couple of options on ULTRA, no traffic and no multiplayer as I only fly on VATSIM.

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I have sound crackling sometimes and i capped my fps at 62. As soon as I approach to land in busy airports my fps drops to 40-50 for a second or two followed with noise crackling audio and then back to normal. Sometimes it will do in a cruise in high attitudes fps drops by 10-15 followed by sound crackling noise.
On landing / approach this issues always pops up for me.

rtx 4070ti super
32gb ram
amd 7 7800x3d

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