August 29, 2024 Development Update Blog Discussion

Hello @ykiki5,

To which page are you referring? It shows as being a PC release in the Development Update blog post:



I’ll boot up my Series X and grab a screen shot shortly.

Do you mean the Marketplace tile from the MSFS main menu? Those are not platform specific, and it says in the description that it’s a PC release (photo taken of my Xbox/tv just now):



Yeah, that’s what I was referring to. Thanks for clarifying it isn’t platform specific. I was simply wondering why a PC-only product was being advertised when I started the sim on my Xbox, and you’ve answered that.


$40! Definitely more expensive than the other B2. Glad I got the other one. That + not even a choice since this new one is PC

Hey, when you’ll have dev q&a session? It hasn’t been announced yet, right?

Correct. It has not been announced yet.

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Could we please please have a list of which products are updated on a Monday on a Monday, some if us dont have all our products installed all the time and can’t always get to see on a friday what was updated on the monday. Just a small posting would be sufficient no need for a fanfare and bells and whistles. This information is very important for users and for those of us involved in product/update testing for 3rd party developers.
Thank you


Does anyone know when the next dev stream will be and if not when and where the date will be announced?

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Surely, I would expect that it would be within the next 2 weeks because jorg mentioned that auu2 will be releasing sometime mid september and surely they’d want to give some info pre-release, aswell of course as all the announcements of the new sim!?

But Perfect Flight has been releasing one product a week. I tend to like their stuff. They actually do something. Like for the commercial flight ones, they add announcements that relate to the flight. They have bush trips between CU cities, etc. If it was a button only filtering on category, no one would ever see Perfect Flights stuff.

How so? You literally replied to my post where I said “My idea would not be a permanent filter. Still allow all products to be visible (that’s fair)”

All I mean is to divide the weeks new releases by type so I can see all, or just a certain category first. I can then click through the categories in order of what I want (or don’t want) to see, or what I’m interested in buying.

So if I fancy a mission, I’d go to that category.

The default view would still be as it is now.

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I’m just saying, probably 99% of people as soon as they enter the marketplace new products will filter out Missions so they get rid of the problematic entries, but that would also take out Perfect Flights stuff. People have to scroll through everything now, so they may stumble on the Perfect Flight entry.

People really want to filter out problematic sources. Like the source of the helicoptors that were just reskins of the Calibri, or the maker of the airports that always have a school bus in front of their airport, or the maker of planes that are reskins of the 747 or have no cockpit, or in this case the spam of missions that seem to be programmatically created.

I would really like something like Amazon where your searches could be filtered on various criteria, including creator. Since it would be context senstivie, if you filtered on new, then on Missions, you would be able to see that perhaps Perfect Flight and Nordheim have something, and you can narrow down to examine those. Just filtering on the category is going to unfairly punish responsible 3rd party developers.

OTOH: 1) It is interesting to see the breadth of stuff coming out, even if those new products are not for me and I am not the target consumer for them; 2) even on a heavy week, it is not really that much new stuff compared to mainstream online shopping sites where filtering and searching tools are necessary; 3) each and every week now we have to wade through the criticisms of lesser add-on offerings, which is as time consuming as scrolling through them in the marketplace; the implication of which is we are now subjected to the deluge twice: in the MP itself and here in the forums, LOL! Is it not so difficult to just pass it all by and let that stuff be for others whom it may interest? Ok, so I took the bait here this morning joining the conversation when I should have taken my own advice and just passed it by. Please just note that rehashing the marketplace bit each and every week may be getting a little old for the rest of the community who is not so bothered by it.


How bout a filter that says “exclude VA Systems”

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There are about 5000 products in the Marketplace. Currently this one developer has 248 of those, in only 4 months. That puts them on a rate of 1000 products a year. 9 months from now, they may have 1000 out of around 5700 products. A year after that, they would have 2000 out of 6500. At that rate of growth, 4 years from now, they will have half of all products on the Marketplace. The Marketplace will lose any meaning. Orbx stopped carrying their products. SimMarket stopped carrying their products. These retailers stopped carrying their products due to the practices of this developer. If the Marketplace is the only place that still carries this publisher, no one is going to want to use the Marketplace because of the reputation of products in it.

I think the other thing to keep in mind, VA Systems own web site does not sell their products. The SoFly web site does not sell their products. No one wants to take the administrative costs to add these products to their catalogs except Microsoft. I understand Microsoft wants to be fair and not exclude anyone, but frankly, this developer is taking advantage of Microsoft, besides annoying their customers.

(NOTE: Ok, yes, I admit, my math was off. 248 in 4 months is a rate of 750 a year
 So my rough figures are slightly off, but the point still remains valid)


As an Xbox customer, I have no choice but to use the MP. And it is not that difficult for me to manage week to week. With a few years in the sim now, there is not too much left for me to buy that I have not already purchased, so it comes down to a new product that I am waiting to be released for Xbox (from PC). These shiny new things are usually the subject of so much discussion in the PC community before it hits Xbox that I am rarely taken unawares. No need to wade through shovelware to find that shiny new thing in MP on the fateful week it releases, it is easy to find in the new this week section and the purchase is usually accomplished within the first minute and then I’m out of the MP to enjoy the new purchase. There is never a time when I feel the need to look through every MP product available that is not new, so the large numbers problems above stated do not affect my MP shopping experience, but apparently others are so bothered and in need of a solution?

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Take your own advice then and just pass it by. Folks are free to discuss whatever they want whenever they want. Within the posting rules of course which MP improvements certainly are.


We also need itemized receipts for purchases. Would also be nice to have the ability to select and buy multiple or all items in a wishlist at once.

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