Auto pilot question

How do you switch auto pilot on when flying in a Cessna ?

Do you have to set a flight plan previously to use autopilot ?

Can you just do a take off for the Cessna without a flight plan and switch on autopilot ?

Sounds like a good idea to use autopilot to get a stable flight and then to switch it off - at this point using the other settings to see how it affects everything on the flight - and then to switch the autopilot back on.

Gradually I will get an idea of how everything works this way

Device is x box series s


It really depends which Cessna you are referring to. However you do not need a loaded flight plan to use AP, only if you want the AP to follow a GPS route or VNAV profile.

In my opinion, the best way to learn how to use the specific autopilot you’re interested in would be to look for user guides, tutorials or videos on YouTube and then replicate it in the sim. It’s not going to be something that can be effectively and comprehensively described in a forum post


Most autopilots have similar functions but it really does depend on which Cessna you mean. They have made quite a few models. If we go by what’s in the sim there are still differences in the autopilot systems used.

You can always use the “Direct To” option, and I think you can build your flight plan from scratch with G1000 NXi.

As was mentioned, I think watching YouTube channels is one of the best ways to learn about all the bells and whistles on your particular aircraft you are flying.You may be learning on the Cessna 172 or 152 but there are others in game as well which are quite different.

Quick answer to question 2 and 3 though - No and yes.

Have you checked out our Student Pilot subforum?

What happens after you turn on AP is very dependent upon what you were doing in the plane at that moment. If you were straight and level (not climbing, not diving, wings level, not in a turn), chances are that AP will simply adopt that posture and continue on.

What you want to do after that depends a lot upon what was mentioned - type aircraft, did you file a flight plan, etc. Definitely recommend instructional videos if that’s your learning style, or reading up on real world use of the Autopilot - there’s enough fidelity between the sim and real-world that most information you get as a new sim pilot will transfer.

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The first step would be to know which Plane and Which Autopilot system you are reffering to?

C172 with the KAP140AP and GNS530/430GPS?
C172 G1000?

As others have said, you do not need a flight plan for some portions, (altitude, wings level (ROL), Heading, Etc…))

If you want the Autopilot to follow a GPS course then you would need to enter some points either during the flight plan menu before loading in, or manaully into the GPS once loaded in.

You can also do direct to tracts etc…

Lots of good YouTube videos and I could point you to some specific if you proivde the type of aircraft.

The type of plane I fly sky pilot is the same Cessna that is used in the tutorials

Why not telling us the exact model ?
If you’re meaning the C152, it have NO autopilot.
Perhaps it’s why you can’t use it…

I haven’t flown the tutorials, but would assume it is the C152.

Since you are on XBOX you wouldn’t be using the JPLogistics mod that adds the KAP140 AP so I don’t believe the plane you are using has any Autopilot functionality.

Yes think it is the cessna 152

Then definitely no autopilot.

Good news, you can practice the next best thing - you are the autopilot - a.k.a., ABT (Always Be Trimming). Read up on Pitch, Power, Trim technique. It’s a fundamental to student pilots. Once you can do that, you’ll be able to keep the 152 more or less stable with little hands on to keep it on course and speed.

Is there a link for pitch power and trim technique ?

The controls say to use trim it is RB button and the right control stick on the controller but it does not work when I tried this

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