Mid flight my auto pilot just stops working and i dont know why after i restartet the AP 100.000 times it just works again ?
EDIT: If i unplug my controller it suddenly works again but i also have the risk of crashing the game while doing so-.-
Mid flight my auto pilot just stops working and i dont know why after i restartet the AP 100.000 times it just works again ?
EDIT: If i unplug my controller it suddenly works again but i also have the risk of crashing the game while doing so-.-
Do you have any deadzones set in your controller?
no i dont think so i have it on standard
I would try a 5% or so deadzone on each of your controller axis.
Erroneous microsignals from a controller are a known issue, and could be causing it.
Won’t hurt to try, you can always put it back.
k that makes sense i will try it now
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