Avionics not responding to VORs since patch 2

The needles in the CDIs are static since the new patch. I have tried with the 172 and the 152 and Nav1 and Nav2. They don’t work.

I do now have the VOR name and distance to showing up the GPS in the 172, which I didn’t have before the update.

Can anyone else confirm this behaviour?


This was happening for me in the 172 with G1000 in the version, and has not been fixed in the version. I can concur that tuning VOR frequencies in either NAV1 or NAV2 work fine for identifying the station, providing DME data, however the needles are in static positions. To be honest, I’ve been enjoying just flying the 172 I haven’t tried too many other aircraft, but I’ll try a few others and confirm. I’d assume there would be some shared functionality on these types of avionics and are likely not just only affecting the Cessna’s.

yes they are working ok for me in both C172 steam gauges and C152.
in C172 yes you now have VOR name, but radial information is incorrect and DME does not shows decimal, it shoes only whole numbers, so is pretty much useless, however CDIs are working fine

Thanks for the responses.

I rebooted my machine and it’s working perfectly now :slight_smile:

I tested this in the G1000 in the bonanza and that is working as well. All good!

Still not working for me, I get the VOR Identifier so I know I have the right one, and I get DME information, but the CDI needles are fixed and do not move. Both on G1000 and non.

Do you have Navigraph beta installed?

Yes I do. Just updated to beta 11…you didn’t just ask this for fun, lol. Known issue? Link to forum posting?

My to/from indicator stopped working in the C152 after the update. So there’s that.

Try uninstalling the navigraph beta. I think I started a flight before re-installing it.

Yep I too had to uninstall the navigraph beta

This is so ridiculous. Useless, to be exact.
Didn’t know this problem existed since I’ve just got back from a four week break, but it seems like I will put the “sim” away for another couple of weeks until it’s somewhat fly- and enjoyable.