Avoid runways if you have no business there yet. Too often I see fellow simmers in deep concentration, studying their airplane ‘on the runway’. This kills the flight experience of simmers who try to land or take off.
Therefore, two simple requests:
Choose a Parking or Gate to enter the simulation. Don’t put your airplane blindly on a runway.
Take a good look out for airplanes in landing first, before lining up a runway.
Know the real world’s wind direction, before choosing a runway.
Most experienced simmers will know this already, but lets build on our own and our fellow simmer’s flight experience.
I just don’t see how Asobo couldn’t simply relocate the spawn point from the runway itself to the hold short line. No way it’s that hard. Unless they truly support the idea of spawning on the runway.
I just find it a shame that so few people use “Live” multiplayer mode. “All players” can be good and can definitely be entertaining but it can also be very frustrating when you are coming in on final and there’s an A380 parked on the touchdown zone going nowhere. It should be somewhat encouraged that if you want to fly gate to gate then you should be using live mode
I’m not sure how “realistic” multiplayer is at the best of times. But, it is nice to see other humans behaving like proper pilots.
Friday Harbour has the spawn point at the hold short line. That tin has been around since the beginning, so it is possible.
They are. And so am I. (and has been since FS1) Especially for less experienced pilots it’s nice to be able to directly start with take-off (except for releasing the parking brake). I use it sometimes when I have limited time to do a flight. Especially VFR flights.
Not everyone is interested in a true-to-life multiplayer environment. If you’re having difficulties with other players, simply turn multiplayer off or connect to an actual virtual-pilot network like VATSIM. Also switching from “All players” to “Live players” will make difference. Be aware that you won’t be able to change weather/time in Live Player mode.
“All players” will always be a bunch of people doing whatever they want. Kids as young as 4 years old are playing it and just doing what they love: flying a fast and big plane. (and crash-landing it on any runway in any direction)
I’m guilty of this myself. I always start on the runway, and if I need some time to finish checks, I can sit there for a bit, especially in a new aircraft. I turn multiplayer off now, it’s a disaster.
I love it when people land or takeoff going in the opposite direction and they swerve off to the side of the runway to avoid you like it was actually going to cause a crash
The flow toolbar by //42 is good for many things but it’s best feature is allowing you to switch servers at the click of a button without having to pause - a very quick and effective way of removing people from the runway
The thing is even to this day I find people logging on active runways on Vatsim - Mostly are new folks who don’t want to spend time taxing - but taxing is also great fun especially at bigger airports.
Unless you choose the Live experience, you are guaranteed to have pilots with different weather, and therefore different runways in use. I never see a lot of players in that mode.
The solution to this problem is a simple one and lays in the hands of the developers.
Rather than have the aircraft spawn in at the end of the runway as has been the case since 1982 I’m thinking, have the aircraft spawn in at the hold short point.
The runway is kept clear and the pilot can spend all day running through checklists and so on. Asking people to turn off MP is not a reasonable ask…they paid for the sim and they can use it however they like.
so if we’re letting people play how they want, why would it make a difference to spawn at the hold short line or on the runway itself? We’ve established live/all players do whatever they want anyway what’s stopping them from just turning onto the runway and departing when there’s another plane on very short final?
People spawn in at the end of the runway and stay there when in MP because that’s where the sim places them.
I don’t think anybody who’s in MP mode and spawns in at hold short is going to say “well I’ll just move onto the runway while I’m collecting myself so I can be a PITA”. That said, I’m sure there are some out there like that. It’s only part of the problem, but any little bit helps. Checking for incoming traffic is a harder problem to fix I agree with that.
The problem is so easy to fix and it’s been discussed for as long as I’ve been simming…30 years.