Still no model with short upper deck ?
Wonder why nobody is making it. Lots of repaints of the regular 747-8 PAX ti cargo … but not very realistic
Still no model with short upper deck ?
Wonder why nobody is making it. Lots of repaints of the regular 747-8 PAX ti cargo … but not very realistic
For FSX I had a great 747 with modeled upper deck (short, a few seats and a table, and a stair leading down.) I think it was the Queen of the Skies but not sure because I had a second and older 747 with analogue gauges too.
The 747 is currently only available for Prepar3D:
But I guess PMDG will bring this plane next to Flight Sim 20. (Or maybe the 777… nobody knows yet…)
Lets pretend that it’s a BCF.
What is a BCF?
A passenger to cargo conversion. Sometimes a conversion is cheaper than buying a brand new freighter.
Nah i want to pretent as less as possible
Just wondering why nobody is making it. Lots of models - eepaints etc etc … but not this kne ( and we already have the cockpit … so its just the visuals ?