B787 after update having trouble with AP

AP will not activate when I try to switch on. Also the switch on the Bravo throttle quadrant will not respond. Does anyone have an idea. Maybe in the new update we have to set some switches before using the AP?

I’ve had this too but at least the light came on during a quick check yesterday, but no time to test flying then.

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Make sure there is a valid flight plan and all the necessary flight info in the FMC.
Flight director switches are on.
LNAV and VNAV lights are on.
AutoThrottle switch on.
Follow the checklists in the tutorial.
And make sure the AI Copilot isn’t enabled because the AI Copilot doesn’t use the AP.

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Hi Pacific, before it was posible to use the AP even when there was no flightplan. But thanks for the info, I think the AIpilot was on. I will try again today. Hello again, I tried the AP and took care of all th settings, and it worked perfectly. Thanks All of You.

IRL there would be very few airlines without a flight plan in the AP since it is illegal to fly above 18,000 ft without ATC approval.

The AI copilot has been sketchy for me since AAU2. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I always try to use it to taxi because that part of the flight is boring for me. Since the update it only works sometimes. Other times it just sits there and laughs at me!

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