Bad refresh rate / flicker after Nvidia update 460.79

Hi all,

Having updated my Nvidia drivers to 460.79 to remove some issues in Cyberpunk 2077 I’ve noticed some bad refresh issues in MSFS. I can’t be 100% sure if this is an issue related to the Nvidia driver but now I’ve noticed it, it’s pretty annoying.

The screen is visibly flickering as if the refresh rate has dropped significantly - freesync not working? I have an Asus ROG STRIX XG32VQ @ 144Hz so this should definately not be the case.

Other games seem absolutely fine. Also when I hit escape and look at the background the flicker goes away completely, so it only happens when the game is running - so this would rule out any hardware or cable issues. The flicker by the way is very subtle - you probably wouldn’t even notice it but looking at solid surfaces it’s immediately obvious and a definate issue.

Have any of you guys or gals seen this issue. Thanks.

Just an idea:
Check the “Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)” in Nvidia Control Panel, and if it is “On”, turn it off.

I had the EXACT same issue so I went back to 457.09. All drivers after that cause this issue for me. :confused:

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Thanks @Sharpe2603 reassuring to know it wasn’t just me. I’ll try rolling back and I’ll report my findings here. :+1:

Yeah I remember that from an older post somwhere so I’ve got MFAA disabled already. Thanks anyway.

I just downloaded 460.89 today.

Try the new 460.89. Got in trouble with .79 as well including stuttering scrolling in Firefox during flying the sim.
I just installed the .89 and at the first glance the problem seems to be fixed. Didn’t tried it very long, just 10 Minutes „cloud surfing“ as a TestFlight.

I also am using .89 right now, and it seems to be working well, with TMB930 flying around Death Valley heading over to Owens Valley.

I tried the 460.89 settings and I think it’s got slightly better… Instead of random flickering now it appears to flicker every second or so… Again it’s pretty subtle, most will probably not be bothered by it or even notice it but it’s there.

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Freesync is not directly compatible with nvidia cards. Your current monitor supports “Adaptive-Sync with NVIDIA GeForce graphics cards”, which is not the same as gsync or freesync. I wonder if this driver makes the differences more noticeable for some reason, and if there are some options you need to change.

Out of interest what GPU do you have as saw this in the notes for the 460.89 driver.
I highlighted the bit about the 1080ti.

@Sharpe2603 You fixed it!!! Yes rolling back has got rid of the bad refresh / flicker. Thank you so much. Gosh I do hope Asobo/Microsoft and Nvidia sort this out. I’ll raise a zendesk ticket with my specifications included just so Asobo are aware.

So the desktop flicker mentioned here could be related. I have a Asus ROG Strix 2080 Ti. Only I don’t get the flicker when I hit escape to pause the sim, so I don’t think it’s a desktop issue persay. Anyway I’ve rolled back to Nvidia drivers 457.09 and that appears to have addressed this issue. I hope this gets propertly resolved in the future!

Glad to hear it man. I hope so too.

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