Exactly the same problem. It’s completely unusable since 1G connection here.
My problem was caused by installing a map enhancement program. Once I deleted the program, my downloads were back to normal.
Same here. Very frustrating
Same with me too in Hungary (Telekom) on a 2gig line
I read that people in Germany on Telekom were having problems. I changed the DNS to and and the problem seems to have been fixed
I reinstalled MSFS 2024 a few days ago and also launched a clean installation. Still got the low bandwidth messages. I can do 1 flight, land at an airport where everything looks like minecraft and thats it.
Hungary, 1000 Mbit - optical, - same s_.h_i.t_., UNPLAYABLE after noon!
Hello guys, maybe my experience will help:
PROGRESS …I suppose…
After enabling “receive Window Auto-Tuning Level” via the console
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
(many many thanks to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHi8vwY0HTg input from IslandSimPilot)
my network usage went up from 15Mb to max bandwidth (approx 50Mb). yay.
Thanks for this thread. For me setting DNS in Windows to Google (IP: and did the trick. Now flying is possible again. However, other posts recommond ohter DNS servers like
Somehow, between two sessions with no changes from my end, today my game started using my full bandwidth instead of the usual 10% of it, it’s amazing how smoothly everything works when it can actually load.
Hopefully it stays that way (Poland, not Telekom, OpenDNS)
Same here… Unfortunately, setting the DNS to those alternate settings disabled my network totally. Anyway, I really don’t believe it’s us. It’s them. Their servers/protocols that are affecting us.
Because it’s hit or miss. Sometimes it works sometimes (for days) it doesn’t.
I put a ticket in with support. Not surprised I haven’t heard back.
Nothing else to do except keep trying…
Have been off today and trying to play since 6 am - low bandwidth warning and connection data coming through in the kilobytes.
9 hours later and dozens of trys and not one flight. Not even once in an aircraft.
Laughing stock of a cloud game.
Same here in Germany, staring at the loading spinner, spiced with some low bandwidth warnings. When I finally enter the cockpit, I do enjoy the blurry textures of the scenery and
the beautiful placeholders of the (hopefully) soon to be loaded instruments. What can I expect more?
I should rename my userName to fsimOffline, suits better
Getting this in Western Canada. Stuck on “loading language” then it says my internet connection is gone. Click exit to desktop and it is very slow to do so. Everything else works fine ie You Tube etc. Internet speed test is 320 for download, 152 for upload and 15.27 ping. It will load occasionally, read once in about 12 trys.
I get this every time I run the game. It may be true. Low bandwidth…I think they are talking about themselves and their servers, because I get this message with a 2 gig online service. 2 gigs up and 2 gigs down, lat of 5. Not my bandwidth issue, it’s Microsoft’s issue.
Had anybody this issue today in north germany ? I have it, i have a connection with VPN and an us- server, had nor problema with us vp the last days but today it sucks…
For those in Germany and if you are with “Telekom” there an issue with this ISP:
There is a “workaround” for this ISP in that topic.
Quick Answer:
OK… So, after further testing, I discovered that just by simply turning off Malwarebytes seems to do the trick, as something within that software is blocking the traffic to the sim.
Will have to take that up with their support.
So, could this be the underlying issue for a lot us out there that can’t connect properly, like me.
Hope this helps.