Switched from Telekom to another ISP today. Immediately everything was working fine without VPN or DNS changes.
Sad we have to do this to fly in FS2024, but it was THE solution for me.
First, because a particular mod is not supported does not make it unathorized or illegal, you can do whatever you want with your own computer (ok there are some things that are against the law, sure).
Now if you choose to configure your system with unsupported mods or apps you need to take ownership of the installation and troubleshooting, do research and it may take some trial and error but the benefit is that you will learn something new and useful, how all these things work!!
On the topic of low bandwith, if you experience this issue with FS 2024 especially on high speed internet (ie Fiber, Cable, etc…) the first thing to verify is your windows host file.
located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
open the ‘hosts
’ file with a text editor (i.e. notepad++)
but make a copy of it before editing (i.e. hosts.bak
then verify that everything is commented out in that file (# in front to the line) as shown in this example:
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
save the hosts
file (no extension), and reboot your computer.
As stated this is a first step, there may be many reason for a particular issue however do this before engaging in more drastic measures (VPN’s, changing providers, rage quiting, blaming Microsft for the end of the world, etc…)
anyway wish you good success with your FS passion…cheers .
The mod to which you are referring changes MSFS to use unlicensed mapping data from a third-party in manner in which that data provider has not approved. It is, by definition, unauthorized.
Of course it’s your PC and you can try using that mod if you wish, but it has been proven to cause problems with MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024.
'data from a third-party in manner in which that data provider has not approved. It is, by definition, unauthorized'
If this line reasoning was accurate, it could be applied to MS Co-Pilot, that AI engine use data from a multitude of sources ‘without the explicit permision from the owners of the data, and in some cases without even their knowledge’ to train the models used for its operation.
Applying that logic it would make co-pilot a system trained in a manner that is not approved and thus by definition, unauthorized.
Thus that statement is not valid, the app refered to does offer the user with the ability to load licensing credentials and encourage the user to do so.
Because a user choose not do so does not make the app unauthorized or illegal.
However it is clear that there is no obligation from anyone to provide support to such a user and the responsibility to address any issues resulting from such a use rest with the user.
Just a point to be clear MS has the possibility to approach the creative individuals that build all these inovative solutions for products that their vendors leave lacking for many years.
It would be more beneficial for MS to do everything possible to avoid advesarial behaviour in those cases and embrace innovation.
Just an idea why not open source some aspect of these products and see what wonders can be had…
Many good wishes to all the good and hard working people at MS and all their suppliers … cheers.
Hi this worked for me perfect ( Germany, Telekom ) using also the DNS from Cloudfare primary Secondary
and port forwarding
I hope this will help.
I have the same problem.
Community, I’ve had the issue for a while now but by defaulting the hosts file in windows, it working.
following this https://youtu.be/3yZNef564NE?si=C4AH56H2VnoHChp0
I was up and running within minutes of doing it. Something to do with the enhanced map IP address.
I’m in uk and still getting the bandwidth message. 5 Feb 2025.
High spec pc and high speed fibre. (1gb)
About time somebody took Microsoft to court about this. They have not supplied the product we paid for.
Same issue. The sim is unusable for me bc of this.