Hi guys, sorry to bother, i know the topic is somewhere, hidden, but couldnt find it
i bought this new computer with 16 GB (slot 2)
i got another 16 GB ram (crucial), and i put it on slot 4, that i can get dual channel as i could read on google or youtube.
but in the sim, even evrything is decent with my i5 and my gtx 2060, i get only like 18 GB of the ram…50% of cpu, even the svm is disabled…so a total of 26 fps max on high end default settings…(and still limited by cpu/cgu)
anyway to increase all of these (ram, cpu usage, fps) tahnks
PS, i did a few changes in my nvidia control panel as i coudl read here in a previous post…anything better from the experts here ? cheers
Moved to #self-service:pc-hardware
How much RAM does your BIOS say you have?
You may have an incompatibility there. Is that 16GB all in one slot? Have you checked your motherboard’s specifications that it will take that?
A couple of things - have you checked with the mobo manufacturer website to see if the new RAM has been qualified as working with your mobo? Do you need a BIOS update to use it?
I’m a long-time ASUS mobo user and they list what CPUs work with their mobos and also RAM. Crucial is pretty respected but maybe you got a bad stick? It’s weird to see only a partial RAM compliment. What does the mobo manual say?
But without specs and model numbers people can’t help you much. Similarly, saying you made some changes to Nvidia control panel doesn’t help much either. You need to be specific on what you changed if you seek comments on those changes.
Honestly the best thing for now is wait for the next update. Should make much better use of our hardware.
CPU usage always appears low in this sim as its currently smashing the hell out of one core. Dont think i’ve ever seen over 25% CPU usage on my R5 3600 in this sim. It’s usually in the teens%
When you say you only “get” 18gb ram do you mean the sim is only using that much? If so that’s perfectly normal depending on where you’re flying. I can go from anywhere between 11GB and 28GB depending on the situation.
Not sure what i5 you have but i suspect that’s currently the main contributor to your low FPS.
As i say… the next update should make far better use of the hardware.
it says 31.7 in bios and also in the task manager…and yes, my motherboard can support that, go to 128 GB
yep, hoping also for the 27th…i have a i5 10400 2.90HZ… i fly in no too big cities…and today at EBBR, landing with real ewather (cloudy and rain)…like 18 gb ram usage…
Is the system better or worse without the extra ram added? Mixing ram bought at different times can cause issues.
i will check on that, but i went to a bewsite and flkoow the instructions and everything is compatibe/doable…for nvidia control panel, i checked here on one post but i cant find it back to show you…anyway, all these changes you can see, sompe people say white, some say black, and i m not an expert, i m trying to foloow xhat kinda make sense according to the settings…and also settings in the sim, like cache off, limitiation data off, etc…
i know i ve seen a lot of people saying that their ram was not used totally…i just wonder if i would have only 16 gb ram os origibnally mùy ram usage usage would be like 8 or 9 gb then ? if yes, so i have a leat doucble now , or do i see that wrong ?
i dont know, i put the new stick as soon as i got the comp, i couldnt try with only 16…
18GB of RAM usage is not a hardware limit - That’s about normal in Flight Simulator on high settings. Software in general doesn’t just max out your physical memory if it’s available - that’s not quite how it works.
The most I’ve seen FS use (personally) is 22GB of usage, but this of course all depends on where you are flying and what your settings are tuned to.
if i read good, everything is like to be normal…may be i m too picky and exigeant, and i should be ready with what i have and again hoping for better performance on the 27th this month…crossing the fingers like all of us…thanks already for your quick answers…
I would take out the sticks and try without. Also consider running some memory diagnostics both with the extra memory in and with it out.
Aida 64 will give you a Latency read out.
HCImemtest is very thorough and freeware. It also takes a while to run. Karhu is my go to memory stability test but it is not freeware.
sorry for the mispellings…lol…typing too fast…
have you checked the resource manager view ( working and commited ) ?
Direct RAM usge depends on your settings like resolution, LOD, etc. .
A lot of users with 16GIG RAM run into the sittuation, that very huge windows pagefile is created and these slow down a lot of things. With your 32GIG RAM there is more headroom.
Whether 26fps are normal is hard to say without more detailed infos about your settings. The memory have not a big impact on that. With more RAM all becomes more smooth and you safe the lifetime of your SSD ( pagefile ).
Your CPU is pretty close in performance to my 3600 having just had a look at the stats, so i doubt that’s the cause of low FPS after all.
I also have 32GB ram and a 2060 Super and playing on Ultra settings (just have terrain/object both on 100. DOF and motion blur off) in 1080p have no problem staying at my locked 30FPS.
How’s your VRAM usage in game? iirc the 2060 has 6GB? If you’re constantly maxed out on that it could be the issue and you might need to lower some settings to bring that down a bit.
In my NV control panel i have low latency mode ON, Power management…Prefer Maximum Performance and texture filtering to High Performance.
Yeah, as I say, if you were expecting MFS to top 32GB of RAM usage now that you have that physically available, that’s not quite how the software works.
Getting 32GB of RAM was still a wise choice though, because at peak High/Ultra settings you may end up using over 20GB when you fly into photogrammetry cities, etc.
i did try to put everything on ultra, but fps barley 15 fps, and too many stutters, so i put it back to high end, still a few stutters though…but i m happy with it…i rather have better performance than graphics.
yes, my 2060 is a 6GB one. my ram usage in the game is around 18GB.
i tried with intermediate…same as high end…so i went back to high end, and a few things in ultra like clouds, and waves…
in my nvidia panel, i have exactly the same settings as yours…
as i said, lets hope for the best with the new update…$
had you time to check the resource manager view ?
( example )
Are you complaining that the sim is not using enough RAM?