February 24, 2023, 11:59pm
Sorry to close this. This Wishlist topic was okay in August 2020 before voting was enabled in the forums, but with voting, we cannot have megathreads. They make it impossible to merge when duplicate topics get posted, among other things.
Please use the following topics and vote for the things that you want for some of the items addressed in this Wishlist topic:
It would be really great to be able to change aircraft without ending a session and having to return to the main menu.
This is very time consuming and this option has been present in all other iterations of the sim.
It would be great if you didn’t have to exit out to the main menu between flights to use the flight planner. If I want to fly from Airport A to Airport B, then on to Airport C, it spoils the immersion to have to go back to the main menu, plan the new flight and then have the sim reload with the aircraft in a different position and start it up from cold and dark again. This was possible in FSX, and I would frequently do a three-leg route in an airliner this way.
Where are the 2D panels?
OK. I know many will cringe at this politically incorrect post because the trend for years, in Flight Sims, has been for ultra-realistic looking 3D cockpits. And they do look pretty ■■■■ realistic. The problem is- they don’t allow “work flow” in a realistic way. For instance, in an actual cockpit you don’t have to plaster your nose next to the autopilot section, or the MFD display, or the Radio Quadrant, excluding everything else from your vision (including being able to look outside). In a real…
I don’t know if other people have had difficulty turning the knobs on the G1000 and other avionics, but I struggle to use it, especially in-flight when the aircraft is bouncing around. You try clicking on a knob and then the aircraft moves slightly and your cursor is now off the knob. If you’re turning the knob with your mouse wheel, when the aircraft bounces, all of a sudden you find that you’ve now zoomed in or zoomed out.
I know there are a couple of Wishlist requests for key bindings for va…
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