Be aware of tranfer to co-pilot

Hey Guys,

so last night i had a problem where none of my controls where working and or keyboard hotkeys. so after going and get FSUIPC7 and seeiing if that helped (which it didnt) i contacted Pete Dawson and him and i went on to this for about 6 hours. well i finally went to my keyboard controls after the 100th time and found this “transfer to Co-Pilot” (CTRL+ALT+X). so i sadi wtf is that and pressed that keybinding and bam got my controls back. i guess that is something ASOBO added if you dont wana do any flying and gaze at the scenery as a pax. Just be aware that could be causing the same issue i was having. i just went ahead and deleted that


I actually really like the feature but you’re right, there should be some sort of tool tip popup to let you know it’s on.

Depending on your notification settings, the game does tell you that the Co-Pilot is flying the plane.

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Guess I must’ve missed it, thanks for the heads up

There are trainers that have controls in both front and rear seats, i guess that function is probably added for such planes in the future, I’m pretty sure it’s not for sightseeing :slight_smile: