Better Multi / Triple Monitor Support (2024)

Each render window should be able to be set to any of the view types available in the main window. And it will have its own eyepoint, direction and zoom. Aircraft controls pictured in any window will have all the normal functionality. And it is very important that when the control cursor is located in any FS window, all peripheral controls ( joysticks, throttles, pedals) remain functional.

I am sure I remember all these capabilities from FSX, FS2000 and FS2004.

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Whilst its good we’re up to 100 votes for better multi monitor support, there’s another wishlist thread out there seeking beards on 2024 avatars that has more votes than this one!

Essentially, there is a bigger call from the community for beards on avatars than for better multi monitor support :frowning: I guess I see why Asobo ignore us
we’re just not that may people

Spread the word people and VOTE this thread up!


A post was split to a new topic: Unable to configure Multiple Windows

It will be implemented once the Xbox can run multi monitors.:sweat_smile:

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And this right here sadly shows the direction this sim is heading towards


Just noted another poor design decision from Asobo in relation to multi window support.

When I go to adjust the distances of my second and third window, I can no longer use the mouse scroll wheel to make small incremental changes. With 2020, you could scroll to do decimal point increases which made it easier to fine tune adjustments. In 2024, you can only use the slider which doesn’t take input from the scroll wheel, or manually change the number in the box.

Little things like this confuse me. Whilst 2020 was far from perfect, at least the features we did have worked. In 2024, they’ve actually removed those of those working features and made the UI fare more difficult to work with.

I really do wonder who quality controls this stuff

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FSX had better monitor support

Alternative if hovering the mouse above the slider you want to modify, use arrow key left or right to make .1 adaption


Current multi window support is abysmal. Did some testing yesterday.

CPU: 9800x3D
GPU: RTX 4080
RAM: 64GB DDR5 6000Mhz CL30

Monitors: 3 x 27" 1440p 144Hz

With only one monitor rendering

I add one Multi Windows. 17FPS

Pretty sure we worked out on the support thread you started that this is down to RTSS and not the sim?

I mean, I don’t think performance is great in 2024 and I don’t think multi-window performance generally is as good as it could be if they implemented single-pass rendering, but it isn’t that bad, or everyone would be talking about it.

This is what they should have implemented


Yeah sorry for not coming back to this.
Tested it earlier this week without RTSS and framerate was much better. Not ideal, but better. :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s what I was referring to. If the same scene is being rendered to multiple viewports then you can run it all as a single pass - it takes longer to produce the multiple frames than it does to produce a single frame, but considerably less time than to produce multiple separate frames.

Of course, we can’t be sure they haven’t implemented SMP for multi-window, but I imagine if they had the performance loss per-window would be less than it is. So I’m assuming they didn’t.

I would say no. SMP should have the 3 different views with adjustments to each view possible within the one window.

How I miss Microsoft Flight Simulator X when everything was less complicated (thanks to external programs and having a little knowledge about computers), four 32" TVs for visuals and two 14" for instruments, sorry for the quality but in those days we didn’t have phones or cameras like today.

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This “Wishlist” item has 158 votes at this time. Among the Wishlist topics, it ranks 165. Unless we can arouse more interest in getting this done and get more votes. what chance does it have of actually getting done?

Is there anyone that could take it on as a side project with the permission of MS/Asobo? Is it possible that the areas of code needed to be accessed by an individual/team taking this on could be made available without MS/Asobo risking too much? Obviously, there is a lot on their plate at the moment, but would some interested party be willing to take this on as a challenging project? Is there any chance it might be workable in the eyes of MS/Asobo or is the idea completely unrealistic? (I am not a coder, just a person sharing a wish with others and looking for a solution).

UPDATE: The Wishlist item “Please add beards” has 176 votes, 16 more votes than this topic!!

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I agree - Without a significant increase in votes we’ll get nowhere. It doesn’t help that for some reason they seem to include the 2020 and 2024 wish list items together
 not sure why that is the case.

One area I felt could be helped by an external developer was the ability to “retain” or “recognize” what aircraft the user is in, and adjust the multi window angle (lateral/verticle/roll) settings to presets. I’m not sure about other peoples setups, but in mine I find that I need to adjust these settings depending what aircraft I’m in to get the views to line up correctly depending where my eye point is. So the ability to have an app recognise the aircraft the user is in and then adjust the lateral/vertical and roll dynamically would be great.

I reached out to the developer of another popular external tool as i felt he might be able to help, given his app reads a variety of variables from MSFS. Unfortunately he indicted he was not interested or able to assist.

Whilst this idea is a small one that doesn’t address most of the issues, it would assist and make life a bit easier - Its like we had ViewGroups in P3D we could quickly switch between.

If anybody knows a developer/coder who might be interested - I’ll pitch in $100 USD for it!

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Asobo: To simplify what we are asking for, anything that can now be done in the main window with cameras, we want to be able to do in a spawned window. The exception would be the Replay Tool.

Which widget is displaying FPS at top left?

It looks really useful, because it doesn’t obscure a large area like the Dev mode fps window.

Which external tool can manipulate the 2nd or 3rd monitor in some way?