
Nothing. Zero response. Which I understand because they would not have time for anything else if they wanted to respond to every bug reported on their Discord. I send logs, screenshots and a short description after almost every flight because one thing or another does not work properly.

I’ve just landed at LGAV. I already mentioned weird descend and landing clearance on the way to this airport. After landing BATC sent me to some random remote ramp. Fair enough, Athens is a busy place and with AI traffic density maxed out I thought the main terminal is occupied. Guess what? Not a single AI plane parked at the main terminal. But well, it’s EA…


Yeah, that’s an old issue. If an airport has an incomplete or illegible AFCAD parking file for AI Aircraft, BATC won’t know what to do. Airport dev’s fault, but FlyTampa knows what they’re doing. Unless you’re using a different version or perhaps the default LGAV…?

Usually the app will give you an error when initializing the flight, something like “due to incomplete data, BeyondATC cannot build paths for this route” and then reboots itself.

In general I find BATC adds way too many aircraft for realistic ops in small airports and much too few in large ones; I recently had to wait 25 minutes in Jackson Hole, WY for a parking spot (normally the airport sees about 2 planes an hour on quick turnaround hops, but has at least 10 parking stands). In JFK I find most gates empty, even at midday. Density settings are all the same, all the time: 5, 5, 5, and 7.

From what I understand, it uses live data as follows: spawn a flight at a gate/stand. Change the sim time if you so desire, or leave it “live”. When launch BATC and hit the Fly button, it uses your sim time - including day-of-week - and matches that with the traffic found in historic week-long data set that it obtained from FlightRadar24. If you have traffic density set to 10, then it uses the full set of planes in their data. Less than 10, then it removes traffic proportionally.

At least that’s the theory, although somewhat simplified.

ChatGPT says that the busiest times at JFK are 7-9am Tues-Thurs; if that’s true, then try spawning there with traffic at 10.

EDIT: Here’s my test, tomorrow (2/4/2025) at 8am:


Hopefully the most recent experimental update fixed the taxi readback issue, among other things:

Minor Update 1.6.8.Experimental

Minor Update 1.6.8.Experimental
LLM - Added more context prompts for action matching, allowing for greater user input to resulting action accuracy.

LLM - Added additional readback handling for taxi instructions. Users should find that reading back taxi instructions will be captured with far less errors. User reports were essential in tuning this. If you took the time to report this - thank you!

LLM - Added more taxi instruction context, allowing for taxi related inquires to be handled with greater accuracy.

Custom User Data - Update of NDB/VOR/Airline Code and Pilot Portal data.

Traffic - Traffic told to takeoff with ‘no delay’ will no longer stop and wait on the runway to spool up and instead transition from taxi to takeoff without pausing allowing for smoother traffic flow.

Traffic - Adjustments to ‘low density’ callouts to remove possibility of repetitive calls.

Fatal - Fixes for most common fatal errors being reported.

UI - Fix incorrect discord account link showing in UI for new users.

SID Assignment - Improve the assignment of SIDs and transitions if the departure runway has changed from Simbrief allocated value.

Airport Ops - Fix some issues with Tower missing when Tower and Ground share frequency.

Airport Ops - Fix low wind setting for EIDW.

Airport Ops - Various other fixes and changes.


Very interesting, I will test JFK later with these settings and let you know how busy it is. Do you know anything else about small airports being packed, even if I set everything to 1?

If you believe there to be too much traffic for the location for that day of the week and time of day, please report it, along with a copy of the Player.log file in the Support channel so the developers can take a look.


Do your AI Traffic at destination airport have working lights?

Minor Patch 1.6.9.Experimental
LLM - Used the comms density system to inform the LLM that the comms are busy or empty. The LLM will be more likely to talk to you or chat about off-topic things if the comms are empty. If the comms are busy, the controller will tell you they are busy and to stay on topic.

LLM - Added more personality per-controller prompts. Each controller has their own personality and will be more likely to handle different situations in different ways. Some are more chatty, some want to make jokes (ala our boy Steve!) and some want to stay on topic at all times.

LLM - Further refinements to prompts based on user feedback/analytics.

Fix - Fixed large bug introduced a few versions ago causing vectors to break badly and result in wild zig zag patterns.

Runway allocation - Improve runway allocation when there are only strong crosswind / tailwind runways.

Cargo Flights - If the player specifies an airframe in Simbrief that has a type / description ending in F, QT or BDSF - their flight will be considered Cargo.


BATC is aware that the last release is causing some problems receiving your IFR clearance. Only certain phrases are correctly triggering a clearance and at the moment the buttons are sending some different versions that fail.

While they are resolving this using voice to request clearance - and simply saying your callsign plus ‘Ready to copy’ should allow you to receive clearance.

If you must use buttons you will need to press the button multiple times until a phrase works.

They will aim to get a hot fix out for this ASAP.

Here’s the hot fix.

Hotfix 1.6.10.Experimental
Fix - Fix issue with previous vector change causing a side effect of circling vectors.

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UK to Canaries should be at odd flight levels.

Source: flightradar24 observation

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I have to say the latest updates (v1.5.35EA & v1.5.36EA) seem to have fixed a lot of things that were broken by the previous updates. Handoffs all back working again. Everything is now nice and functional. I managed a full gate to gate IFR flight from KSEA to KSFO in the Max with no ATC hiccups. Long may that continue.


The devs of BeyondATC are very productive, every week and sometimes two times a week they come with updates and/or fixes.
If something is wrong they have fixed it in a few days. :+1:


Well it’s been broken for a couple of weeks so I’m just happy it’s all working again. But yes fast updates can be great, except when they break something.

Hello, I just purchased BeyondATC and I’m having trouble. ATC will not call me anything besides Airbus OCITY. I’ve read the tutorial and followed all instructions. I’m at a total loss what is wrong. I spent the past hour just trying to get the callsign to change. I have the correct ICAO code, and I’ve tried leaving the ATC callsign field empty as well. I even tried using american airlines codes and delta as well, Overall pretty unhappy with the experience. Can anyone help please?

Did you reach out to them on their Discord? That would be the absolute best way to receive support.

ok ill try there thanks.

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As you can see I fly ‘flight Wizzair 43652’, but my callsign is at lower right WMT1452 -which makes BATC call me ‘wizz malta 1452’.

Yours is simply ‘Velocity’ which is not good. If you want it properly, then
Airline: VA (Virgin Australia)
Flight number: 1139
ATC callsign: VOZ1139

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VOZ should give you VELOCITY.

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Here’s all the info on callsigns