I installed it, though I’m still hesitant to pull the plug; I don’t know how much of a performance hit this will have over FSLTL, and it kinda blows that I can’t just test it for a flight or two like I have P2A
That said, the in-app roadmap does point that VFR will only come after two next big patches, Core app improvement and user-voted feature (which I expect to be less expansive than visual rules)
It’s definitely different. Fine for meaningless chatter, really unsuitable as a replacement for forums in terms of actual support. So many company servers set up “support channels” that use threads but they’re terrible to search and use effectively compared to a well-organized forum.
Unfortunately, they’re what everyone is going to these days, and the fix I linked above is only posted on the Discord (it’s in the Discord message immediately below the one I linked).
Running beautifully in 2024 so far, just on a short hop from EGNS to EGCC in the Fenix. So cool hearing all the different nationalities in the skies going about their business.
I deleted FSLTL along with FS2020 so I don’t have any installed. Can I just install them to the Fs2024 community folder and away we go? I hope it is that simple. There are no instructions on the website as far as I can find that tell you any of this so I’m reluctant to purchase if I can’t get the liveries up and running. Hopefully it’s simple! Thanks.
Sure you can, just remember to change folder paths in the options of the FBW installer. Only thing I did different to this is install to a customer folder using MSFS Addon Linker (2024 version).
I have been real pleased with BATC, and the traffic injection has been working very well for me. I flew from KSEA to KSAN last night, and it was very nice to have the traffic coming and going on take off from KSEA. And when I landed at KSAN there was plenty of traffic. An American Airlines flight landed as I began my final approach, and he cleared the runway in plenty of time for me to get cleared to land. Much better than the default traffic that I had to put up with before. And I’m still flying in MSFS2020. This has really put the sim exactly where I’ve always wanted it to be. I can’t wait until they apply VFR coverage.
Finally, BATC become what I always wanted it to be. But man, this toy is costly! In two 1h flights each I used 35k of premium characters with traffic density set to 3.
I took off from KATL and noticed BATC has problems with designating taxi ways. They would say “cross rwy9R and taxi via”. That’s it, no more instructions. Not sure if I was supposed to taxi along the 09R/27L runway, which was inactive, or cross it and find my own way to 09L. I was taxing from south cargo ramp.
I use the basic voices all the time and find them okay. If you use the Premium voices then you will have to top them up periodically which, if you have a lot of traffic, could indeed turn out quite expensive. They do repeatedly say, though, that they take no profit out of the Premium voices, we pay what it costs them, (which I am happy to believe before the cynics start!).
Taxi instructions can be odd but, just to explain, BATC gets its taxiway info from the scenery files, be they basic Asobo or free/payware addons. Unfortunately up to now there doesn’t appear to have been any structured rules and a lot of airport scenery isn’t coded in a universal manner. This can result in problems with taxiing which the devs have done their best to alleviate but cannot completely get round as well as have aircraft moving properly. Computer coding does have its limitations!
I do agree that Discord does leave something to be desired when trying to find information. I’ve followed it pretty closely but the number of times the same questions get asked just proves how unfriendly (searching, not attitudes) it can be.
I’ve just completed my first BATC flights with traffic - I’d been looking forward to them adding traffic for a while now and I must say it exceeded my expectations! It makes for such an immersive and “alive” experience, it really is money well spent. I only use the basic voices - while the premium ones sound nice from the samples I’m fine with the basic ones and I’d rather spend that money on new aircraft or scenery! If they can eventually negotiate better rates with their vendor for the premium voices then I might be tempted to give it a try one day, but I’m quite happy with how things are working now.
The BATC dev team are constantly refining the product, fixing bugs and adding new features. I’m intrigued to see what’s coming next…
There was some chat about live traffic up above. I actively want to avoid live traffic since I don’t want empty skies if I happen to be flying at a real-world time where there happens to be no aircraft in the sim-world. This is why I was using AIG before, rather than FSLTL.
I always use Basic voices for traffic, and usually “splurge” on Premium ATC voices when flying outside of the US. Premium for both traffic and ATC will definitely eat through your characters.
I have never used one single character of premium, the base voices are great and far superior to anything MSFS 2020 or 2024 have, so there is no reason in most cases for anyone to feel like the premium voices are required expense… they are not.
I disagree. I was flying from EGPH to EGSS and everyone sounded like they were from Hispanic countries. Only after switching to Premium I could finally hear proper British accents. I will buy $30.00 pack and will see how long it will last :).
I am glad BATC works with FS2024 because default ATC is even worse than in FS2020. 4 years of waiting for better ATC and they made it even worse.
I just picked this up. OMG, just fantastic. Even on basic voices, and now with AI traffic too. It makes fs2024 seem way more credible by removing some glaring bits that are broken and replacing with something that isn’t. Now if only they had an in game panel to go with it.