Binding Name Hints

When mousing over in the cockpit it will display a name for what that object will do. However these don’t always align with the same name in the Controls section for keybinding. This makes it difficult to find the correct binding to use for that in game control.

A couple of options could help.

  • Add a small symbol/color dot if this thing highlighted can have a binding or not. This would save time digging through the control menus searching for something that can’t be done.
  • Underneath the name or somewhere have the actual keybind name so you know what to search for
  • When mouse highlighting an object have a button press to jump to the control binding for that object
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They could maybe add something along the lines of a toggle option in the settings that display the related binding description in brackets, or coloured txt

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Open developer mode, hover over the switch you want to bind, then press Ctrl-G. This will show you the actual variable names utilized. They usually align pretty well with the in menu bindings. I say usually not always.


Legend, thanks