Bleed through of aerial imagery with certain ground textures at custom airports

I noticed that right away!

I’m kind of sad to see where 2024 is right now because 2020 is looking so unbelievably immaculate at the moment.

With the latest beta I´m seeing textures bleeding through at almost every add-on airport, even those, that have been approved for FS 2024 by their distributors (LEBL by Sim-Wings, EGNT by ORBX, EDDF by Aerosoft etc.). The bleeding is noticable on the aprons and taxiways. So there´s still some work to be done.

Interesting. For me all the bleed-through was fixed with the latest update of the beta, one week ago.

It´s not as bad as it was with the first beta version, but noticable.

Still noticeable, really? I didn’t notice any in the second beta.

This is what I mean:

There seems to be another layer shimmering through. The black squares disappear, if you get closer to them. Something isn´t right.

But is it happening on this airport only, or is it a general issue?

If it is an isolated issue with this specific airport it might be a compatibility issue of that airport woth MSFS2024 rather than an issue of the sim.

It happens at a lot of airports. Latest beta with only approved sceneries for 2024 installed.

I am sorry to hear that you still have this issue.

For me it was entirely solved with the update of the Beta on all airports. Even those that are not approved for 2024, yet.

This issue has reared its head again with the latest beta (; for me at least. Bad with the first beta; resolved with the 2nd and now back again. Are Asobo/MS trying out various approaches to fix this, perhaps?


Previous betas sometimes used different branches to test various fixes. And in the end they decided which branch to take for the final release.

I think thos is an unusual approach for bugfixes as it can mean that you have to decide what fix to release and what fix has to go to the backlog, instead of incorporating all fixes in one branch.

But i am not a developer. So i can inly guess and assume.

can confirm the issue is back as well, though not as bad as SUB2, mostly localized to the player aircraft area, and mostly in grass or non-movement areas. Its the sort of tiling issue that 2020 had, but on a smaller scale


Yep am also often seeing this.

For example going down the runway on take off or landing, I can see the grass around me changing in a small tile, would estimate it to be about 20 metres or something.

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Yep, same here…

Hopefully the developers will see this. As this original bug has turned into a different bug, and they may think that the original one was fixed, when actually it just created a new one.

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If you are experiencing this, please post screenshots & location to help the devs! :slightly_smiling_face:

Exactly the same here.

Problem is needs a video to show it really as it’s the textures changing that’s the problem.

But I can’t make a video of the sim anymore because I need the nvidia app to record, and having the nvidia app now makes the sim CTD…

It’s such a vicious circle.

You can use OBS.