Please don’t flame me guys. I promise I’ve made an honest effort to find the answer to my problem. But there seems to be hundreds of posts on this subject and some seem to conflict with some others. It’s like trying to find a worm in a bucket of worms.
I tried installing the mods that improve the G1000 and the G36 Bonanza. I installed them in the Community folder and the sim ran. But I noticed no changes at all. I put the zip files in the Community folder and extracted the files. But the extracted files were put in folders created either by the extracting program or one of the extracted files. So I am lost. At least I can run the program.
Usually, the un-zipped folder is not the correct one to place inside the community folder. For the most recent version of the Bonanza Improvement Project mod (v0.61), the extracted folder is called “msfs_g36_project-master”. Inside that folder, there is another folder with the same name, and inside that, there are two other folders, a license, and a readme. The folder named “z-bonanza-g36-improvement-project” is the one you need in the Community folder.
The same basic story is true for the G1000 mod. You need to find the folder that contains a “SimObjects” folder and a “layout.json” file. That’s the one that needs to be copied into the community folder.
Well described, WxMarc. I ran into this exact issue with one of the first mods I installed in MSFS 2020. I’m hoping that he followed your explanation.
Getting the hierarchy of the directory structure used in this simulator requires us end users to be able to think like the developers–who have spent countless hours trying to make the pathway to the important information as obtuse as possible.
Just joshing… I’m sure the developers have good reasons for the placement and structure of the data, but it sure seems like a black art to me.
WxMarc Thank you for your response. I did as you advised. Now when I double click on my Community folder there are two folders there.
workingtitle-g1000 and z-bonanza-g36-improvement-project.
I ran the sim. I think the bonanza mod may have worked as the engine died at idle. I read in one of the post that that happens under that mod. But the G1000 mod doesn’t work. The PFD and MFD screens are both blank. I’m sure I am messing up something but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks for your help though. I do appreciate it.
Make sure you have the most current Garmin mods. Some sim updates actually made older versions inoperable. That may even be the case with the current version since the latest MS/Asobo patch is so new.
The latest Working Title G1000 mod is version 0.3.2. I’ve had no problems with that version on the latest update. If the screens are black, it could be something as simple as making sure the battery and avionics switches are on. The Bonanza Improvement Project mod is not designed to be started on the runway. If you start from a parking space and go through the engine start checklist, it will guide you through the steps to turn on the G1000 screens and monitor the engine gauges.
0.3.2 is the version I have. But I did start on the runway with the engine running. I also checked all switch positions. But I will try starting from a cold engine and see what happens. Thank you again.
I confirmed the Bonanza mod is working. But the screens are still blank. I started the engine, made sure the Avionics Master Switch was on. I even tweaked the lights. I must have done something wrong with either the placement of the G1000 mod zip file or the extraction. Thanks for trying.
I checked and my version of the zip file for the G1000 is v0.3.2 which I believe is the current one. I never download an earlier version so I know that isn’t the problem. I thought I did the same thing as I did with the G36 improvement mod, as it seems to be working. But evidently I did something wrong.
Thanks for your help though. I do appreciate it.
I think I am going to give up on these mods. I thought I would check a different airplane to see if the screens worked. So I grabbed a C-172. Not only were the screens not working, but the controls didn’t either. I pulled the mixture control but the engine kept running. So I shut off the mags. It still kept running. Since I don’t know which mod is causing my problems, I guess I will just delete everything in my Community folder. Thanks for the help fellas. I really do appreciate it.
I’m sorry it’s not working for you. At this point, I’m not sure what’s causing the issue. Since the Bonanza mod is working, I would suggest deleting and re-downloading the Working Title G1000 mod. Also, I would suggest renaming the working title folder with either a “1” or “a” at the beginning. The sim loads mods from the community folder in alphabetical order, and the G1000 needs to be loaded before any airplane mods. That is probably not the source of your problem right now, because the Bonanza mod’s name begins with “z”, but it is a good idea if you want to use the G1000 mod with other planes.
Also, be sure to fully close the sim before making changes to the community folder. Then, start the sim again once you have added or removed mods. The sim doesn’t always load mods consistently if you add them to the folder while the sim is running.
If you have already tried those things, my apologies. Those are the main ways I know to manage mods and keep them working flawlessly.