Bordeaux to Mont Blanc: motor fail

Hello all.

I hope this is not a “noob” question - I did some research but couldn’t find what I’m doing wrong.

in Leg 5 of the “Bordeaux to Mont Blanc” bush trip, about 1/3th of the way, my motor suddenly drops to idle. I have no idea why: “unlimited fuel” is on, as is Automixture.
When I take off, I still have 48% of fuel (however I have unlimited fuel ON).
When it’s around 44%, the motor suddenly drops, to 0% load and the propeller/RPM still does his thing depending on the fact that I’m going up or down. I always try to do an emergency landing somewhere on a field :slight_smile: but I don’t know what is the problem with the fuel/motor.

Who can help me? Really sorry if this is a noob question! I only use flight simulator to see beautiful scenery… so I just want to fly like an eagle…

The DA40 has two fuel tanks, left and right but only takes fuel from one of them. There is no automatic transfer from one to the other, you have to do this manually using the switch on the dash. The bush trips override your settings as well, so unlimited fuel does not work, sorry.


Thank you. So this probably means that I’d need to go fueling etc?
Thanks for the answer!

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With regards to fueling, one of the considerations is that some fields on the Bush trip truly are that - simply landing strips with no facilities.

That being said, you could try to conform to the “gameplay” and conserve your fuel between legs until you know your next arrival point has fuel, although it’s not clear to anyone if this was the developer intent or simply an oversight.

Or you can do the workaround since the first Bush trip was created in the sim - bind a key to “repair and refuel” and use it sparingly or regularly as you see fit.

I did try pulling up to a fuel point but it never triggers the usual interaction. The Bush Trips are bugged in this respect so the only solution is to use “repair and refuel” as far as I can see.

Not an oversight at all. Bush trips are adventures. There are enough stops at airports offering fuel in all bush trips to allow you to refuel for the next set of airports that don’t.

Correct - that is a bug. The bush trips configuration disables the refuel menu to enhance realism. Unfortunately, this also disables the refueling screen when at a fuel point. You have to use repair & refuel shortcut.

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