Bought but not in my hangar

I just bought the pa44 seminole, the money was taken but I don’t have the plane either in the content manager or in my hangar, I hope this is a joke

According to the guidelines of #community:marketplace

Contact Zendesk.

Thank you, I just did this, how is it possible in 2022…?

Did you just click ‘buy’ or ‘buy and download’? If you just hit ‘buy’ the download will be in your installation manager under uninstalled.

I clicked buy and download, and now then when I click it again the message “it looks like you already own this” pops up, but I don’t have anything in my download manager

Try signing out of xbox(which will usually log you right back in), then fully quit the sim from the three bar submenu and reboot the xbox(not restart)

I just did that but it didn’t work either…

Zendesk will usually fix things but it always takes 2-3 days. And of course going into a weekend…

I’ve bought a lot of stuff but never had that. Usually it’s the ‘purchase in progress’ bug that I learned a while back to immediately sign out/reboot to fix it, if you keep clicking buy repeatedly it will lock you out and require a zendesk call. Different problem, but 'desk fixed it 4 times or so for me.

I have the same problem, I have bought LIMJ airport and it tells me in the content manager that it is installed but when I load the airport it does not appear, a generic one appears by default. I have been charged but I do not have my purchase.

finally zendesk responded fairly quickly and allowed me to get the plane I had bought by acting manually, I still closely monitor my accounts since I was deducted from my second means of payment, while I paid for the first time with a virtual card, the amount of the virtual card was taken into account by Microsoft but does not seem to be deducted from my bank account I no longer understand anything I think that virtual cards have a problem on the microsoft store

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