Brake axis doesn't work as expected - works like 'brake button'

I’m experiencing an issue with the PC version of Flight Simulator, which is a brand new install on a brand new machine. It’s the MS Store version. There are no ‘community add-ons’, only scenery available from the Flight Simulator Marketplace. It’s not run in Developer Mode.

PC specs: AMD 5950, 64GB RAM, GeForce 3080 Ti, Windows 10 with all updates.

I’m trying to use a joystick axis for the left and right toebrake. I found ‘left brake axis’ and ‘right brake axis’ settings. I can assign a joystick axis to each. the joystick axes are calibrated well and produce a 0…100% linear reading on movement. but, the toebrake doesn’t follow this pattern:

when the joystick axis is at 0, the toebrake is ‘pushed in a little’
when there is movement on the axis, the toebrake will move towards ‘0’ (brake off)
when the movement stops, it will ‘fall back’ to ‘pushed in a little’

the change in the toebrake seems to be correlated with the movement of the joystick axis (not the state of the axis)

I tried this with several different axes from different joysticks, and the effect is the same. in all cases, the joystick axes produce a nice linear 0…100% reading.

I wonder how this can be resolved?

I would probably trouble shoot this if it were me by following these steps…

  1. Check every other connected controller to make sure none of them are also assigned to the toe brakes, both analogue and digital inputs.
  2. Check the sensitivity and dead zone settings for each analog controller.
  3. Remove the assignments, then only recreate on of them - test like this to see if the behaviour is correct.
  4. Failing that shut down the sim, unplug all USB devices other than keyboard and mouse, (possibly even restart the PC), restart the sim.
  5. Create a new profile for the controller and only assign one toe brake to an axis then test again.

Hopeful that would rule out conflicts and help isolate where the issue is at least.

thanks for the input.

1: this is the case, all other brake bindings are removed, even for the keyboard

2: checked multiple times

3: done multiple times

4: restarted although did not unplug peripherals

5: didn’t do that yet

here is a video of whats happening: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021.09.02 - - Google Drive

What have you mapped your physical (joystick) axes to in game?
The behaviour described sounds very much line you have happed the button (digital) function to the physical axes rather than the axis function.

Both variants exist in the mappable function list (I made this mistake with elevator/aileron when I first installed)

I was also considering that a possibility. But no, no other control is mapped to any brake related function. I even removed the default keyboad brake mappings. See this also in the video posted above, where I go through all controls and no other control has anything assugned from the ‘brake’ group

Interesting. Reading through the first post again. In last paragraph you describe

this is how the brake axis looks in the config menu when testing? You see the white bar moving smoothly in coordination with your analog input?

And in game it reverts to a behaviour that is more like a digital (button) input?

I have a brake lever axis on my Virpil Alpha grip which appears to work ok but I’m away from PC for the week so I can’t double check right now.

a new video showing the same issue:: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2021.09.02 - - Google Drive

I’ve assigned the same axis for the left toebrake a the one used for the throttle. the input is linear, it works perfectly with the throttle, but exhibits the same issues with the toebrake

any other axis I try shows the same symptoms on the tobrake

Since SU X I get this exact same problem!!! An axis on the Honeycomb Bravo throttle or the toe brakes on my Virpil ACE pedals both do the same thing. The brakes default to off, if I move the axis the brakes partially release, but if I keep moving that axis the brakes then star applying again. I can see the axis reading properly in the Virpil software and even in the MSFS Control settings axis bar, but the label goes white like buttons do when presses when the axis is at low readings and high, but the white “button” goes grey when the axis is in the middle!!!

I see other threads on the internet about this, but other than resetting the USB controller windows setting (which I have tried) I only see people having this issue, not solving it! Am I missing something obvious here??!!! I’ve tried everything I could think of. New PC, fresh Windows 10 install, installed MSFS maybe two months ago, but this only started happening after SU 10.

SU 10 is running so good in every other aspect, but not having rational brake axises is driving me NUTS!!! So close to perfection Asobo! But OF COURSE SOMETHING HAS TO BRAKE WITH EVERY UPDATE NO MATTER WHAT!!! I want to be signing Asobos praises, SU 10 seem like they finally have this sim running more or less great. Then I get an issue as dumb and dumbfounding as this one!

Same here since sim update 10. Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Its 2024 and I have this problem with my winwing pedal beakes. For me there are two parts of it. The brakes go to 100% in game if I either have them fully depressed or fully released, and when I move them it jumps to 0 then attempts to go to 100%, like a button…